Indeed, we believe that God does give power. After all, in the Holy Qur’an Sura Al-Imran (The Family of Imran) 3:26, Allah says: “Say: “O Allah Lord of power (and rule)! Thou givest power to whom Thou pleasest, and Thou strippest off power from whom Thou pleasest: Thou enduest with honour whom Thou pleasest, and […]


Indeed, we believe that God does give power. After all, in the Holy Qur’an Sura Al-Imran (The Family of Imran) 3:26, Allah says: “Say: “O Allah Lord of power (and rule)! Thou givest power to whom Thou pleasest, and Thou strippest off power from whom Thou pleasest: Thou enduest with honour whom Thou pleasest, and Thou bringest low whom Thou pleasest: In Thy hand is all good. Verily, over all things Thou hast power.”
Do Nigerian political leaders believe in God and His Power to bestow power? No, they apparently don’t. In fact, they think they ARE God! Is it not said that “Vox populi, vox Dei”? That “The voice of the people is the voice of God”? Why don’t Nigerian political leaders allow the people to voice their voice which is the voice of God? Why do they utter and mutter and stutter that it is their own singular voices that should be the voice of God?
PRESIDENT DESPERATE TO CONTINUE: Does honour exist in this country? See someone who inherits something that does not belong to him turning back on the original inheritors and devastating them! See shameless Governors vehement in opposing him at one time now acquiescing without a whimper! And then the leader would say he communed with God and God said he should run? No, God says he should run AWAY, and leave us alone!
GOVERNORS DESPERATE TO GO TO SENATE: Senate has become the Resting (nay Retirement) Place for outgoing Governors. And God help you Distinguished Senator if your Governor is outgoing. And God may not help you Senator, as perhaps you did not do God’s Will in contesting, winning and warming that distinguished chair. Perhaps your pockets are tainted with the proceeds of Bill of Quantity!
GOVERNORS DESPERATE TO CONTINUE: Many Governors completing a First Term see a Second Term as imperative, necessary and urgent. In fact, any one standing on the way is bulldozed, unless the challenger can mobilise Infrastructure of the Stomach and is supported by Federal Might.
GOVERNORS DESPERATE TO IMPOSE SUCCESSORS: Is it not in this country that Governors desperately impose on people those who will succeed them while mouthing ‘God Gives Power’ and ‘Cockroaches’ and other insects? Where is Vox populi? Why do we only hear Vox Excellency?
DEPUTY GOVERNORS DESPERATE TO SUCCEED BOSSES: Allah Sarki Spare Tyres! Except for one, no outgoing Governor is anointing his Deputy. One was recently impeached for “raising chicken in his official residence!” No good luck unless the Principal dies in office, for even if he is brain-damaged you are not safe.
SENATORS DESPERATE TO BECOME GOVERNORS: Many Senators aspire to become Governors as they have what it takes; billions of our money. And they are fighting tooth-and-nail. And the Governors are fighting dagger-and-axe to frustrate them. In other states it is Ministers who are desperate. Repeat tooth-and-nail and dagger-and-axe.
SENATORS DESPERATE FOR ANOTHER TERM: Most Senators want to continue being distinguished from normal human beings. The lucre of office is lucrative. They ask their parties for ‘automatic tickets’, failure of which they invoke the Wizard-hunt of impeachment. And they have outgoing Governors to contend with. For other Senators who fail to win among Vox Populi, they can buy the seats off Vox Judge; the judiciary also contains Mr. Giwas. And Mr. Giwa is a Trader.
HOUSE MEMBERS JUMPING OVER THE FENCE: They are also desperate enough to jump over any fence. Some of them are challenging Senators and outgoing Governors for the governorships of their states. Let them sit on the fence!
ASPIRANTS DESPERATE TO BRIBE DELEGATES: Aspirants are making the rounds already. Wooing and cajoling delegates to consider them at primary. But many of the former are only trying to see how they can bribe the latter, pure and simple. And most delegates do want to be bribed.
DELEGATES DESPERATE TO BE BRIBED: Most delegates are available to the highest bidder. Delegates are chosen to simplify the process, but they end up complicating it. Sadly, some good candidates are not even bidders, not to talk of highest. Delegates’ mouths are dripping…for primary pickings…Vox Nairae!
ILL INCUMBENTS ‘IMPOSING’ SUCCESSORS: Only in Nigeria could an apparently brain-damaged incumbent be said to be trying to impose a successor, even when he is not in a position to know in which position he is. Yet some people are borrowing his ‘mouth’ to vox politics.
JUDGES ELATED ELECTION TRIBUNAL PICKINGS AFOOT: It is not a lie that many a judge appointed to an Election Tribunal is congratulated by colleagues, spouses and relatives. Good fortune has smiled at them. Good fortune, not Good God. Appellant and Respondent would both ‘dance’ the dance of Beauty King. Whatever happens, Election Tribune will smile away to the spouse.
POLICE AND PARA-SECURITY: With fingers ready on the trigger, and eager to thumb-print ballot papers in the darkness of the night, the security apparatus is geared for their four-yearly ritual. May Allah protect us all from the Stray Bullet. And the Straight Bullet! Vox Murderae!
BANKERS DEVALUE OUR NAIRA FOR POLITICIANS WITH DOLLARS: Your dollar has been devalued. They tell you it is because oil price has fallen. Think again! The bribing arsenal is in Dollars and the season has come to change Dollars into Naira. The thug who would be given Ten Thousand Naira for thuggery before devaluation would still get his Ten Thousand Naira – but poor thug doesn’t know he is getting on Seven Thousand Naira in real terms! See?
INEC OFFICIALS HAPPY WITH RETURN RETURNS: INEC officials in the states are also ready as ‘returns’ are returning. No collations or announcements are done without their intervention. Forget that the Wayo Professor has appointed his colleague Professors as Returning Offices. Those bespectacled academics are only Returning Officers; INEC officials are still the Turning Officers.
Nigerian political leaders are playing God. Our Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, said in a Hadith (Al Bukhari Volume 9 Book 89 Number 260 narrated by Abdur-Rahman bin Samura): “O Abdur-Rahman! Do not seek to be a ruler, for if you are given authority on your demand then you will be held responsible for it, but if you are given it without asking (for it), then you will be helped (by Allah) in it…”
And in Hadith Number 263, narrated Abu Musa, it is said: “Two men from my tribe and I entered upon the Prophet. One of the two men said to the Prophet, ‘O Allah’s Apostle! Appoint me as a governor,’ and so did the second. The Prophet said, ‘We do not assign the authority of ruling to those who ask for it, nor to those who are keen to have it.’”
And who should be our leaders? In the Bible, Exodus 18:21, it is said: “…look for able men from all the people, men who fear God, who are trustworthy and hate a bribe, and place such men over the people as chiefs…”
MEN WHO FEAR GOD, WHO ARE TRUSTWORTHY AND HATE A BRIBE! And they say “God Gives Power”? Which God?
O God! We bring to Your notice that which You already noted: our leaders are using Your Exalted Name in vain! HasbunalLahu wa ni’imal Wakeel! (Allah is Sufficient for us and He is the Best Disposer of affairs!)

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