Angels: Friends and messengers of God and man

By Margaret Ogbebor SSMA  “The Lord will put his angels in charge of you to keep you in all your ways” (Psalm 91:11). This shows that God in his wisdom has placed angels to watch, guard and guide us in all our ways. Many a time these angels are not seen because they do not […]

Angels: Friends and messengers of God and man
Angels: Friends and messengers of God and man

By Margaret Ogbebor SSMA 

The Lord will put his angels in charge of you to keep you in all your ways” (Psalm 91:11). This shows that God in his wisdom has placed angels to watch, guard and guide us in all our ways. Many a time these angels are not seen because they do not possess physical bodies but sometimes we may have the privilege of seeing them. 

Each and every one of us has an angel that is assigned to us by God to help us and these angels are known as “Guardian Angels.” They work alongside with us day-in day-out; these angels are often known to have spoken to us in every  situation but many a time we find it difficult to listen to them because we prefer to do our own will. Our guardian angels do help us if we are ready to listen to them. The world is too noisy, listening to the inner voice may not be so easy, our guardian angels try their best to see that we never go astray and make sure that we obey God’s holy will. These angels are the real guardians God has given to each and every one of us to help us.

 Similarly, angels are supernatural beings without physical bodies; they are immortal in nature and are often perfect compared to any other creature of God.  Angels are among the first creatures made by God when he was creating the world (heaven and earth). Like human beings, they have the privilege of freewill and intellect. Since human beings are made in the image and likeness of God, angels also share God’s resemblance (God’s image). They work hand in hand with God; they are known to always sing the praises of God. They share special relationship with him (God). They have the opportunity of appearing in different forms or ways (either light, human or voice). They are the mouth piece of God which means they are capable of speaking the mind of God. Angels are unique in nature, they have no duplicate. Angels are known to be filled with divine love (love of God); since God who created them is love himself they also possess that same love. They serve as agents to God and man

Angels are known as messengers of God. Luke 1:26-27 reads, “In the six month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy God sent the angel Gabriel to a town in Galilee named Nazareth. He had a message for a young woman promise in marriage to a man name Joseph, who was a descendant of King David. Her name was Mary.” Angels are sent by God at any time (morning, afternoon, evening or night) to deliver God’s message. 

Angels are always in the presence of God  serving as his attendants. They serve as links between God and men. The angel Gabriel was sent to Joseph in the dream: “Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife; what she is carrying is of the Holy Spirit (Mt 1: 20). “While he was thinking about this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him a dream and said, Joseph, descendant of David, do not be afraid to take Mary to be your wife. For it is by the Holy Spirit that she has conceived.” The angel was sent to deliver messages to Joseph in other to clear his doubt concerning the pregnancy of his wife to be (Mary). God often sends divine messages to us either through dream, vision or use of divine voices. A typical example of this is seen in the life of our father (Joseph). As Christians, when we are in doubt we should not take any rash decision but rather wait patiently like Joseph who tried to meditate night and day for God to give him answer to the confusion in his life. Again God sent his angel to Joseph in the dream to inform him of Herod evil plans (Mt 2: 19-20). 

God never abandons his children when they are in terrible situations, he always look for means to save them by sending them messages or information that will protect and preserve them from danger. God has a way of protecting his own children. God reveals his mind to his loved ones and protects them just as he protected Jesus from the clutches of Herod. Many a time God speaks to us through dreams or sends his messengers in order to see that his will is carried out. God always sends his angels to us to save us from unseen circumstances.

Similarly, angels serve as friends to humans. A typical example of this could be found in the book of Tobit chapter 1-14. When Tobit became blind and needed to collect his property from those who owed him, he sent his son Tobias on this important errand. On the other hand, Tobias was in need of a suitable bride that would live with him for the rest of his life. Sarah was a young lady who had lost seven husbands and had become a mockery to the whole community; she had no other choice than to pray to God to take her life. When Tobias was about to set for the journey, God sent an angel called Raphael to accompany him on the journey. Raphael served as a friend that assisted Tobias on the journey; he did not only follow him to collect his father’s (Tobit) money, he also provided solution to Sarah’s problem by driving away the demon that prevented her from getting married. Raphael’s friendship with Tobias was the channel through which God brought healing to the lives of Tobit and Sarah. When divine creatures take the roles of humans, God uses them as instrument to achieve his purpose.

Angels are capable of fighting for us and defending us when the need arises: “Then war broke out in heaven, Michael and his angels fought against the dragon who fought back with his angels; but the dragon was defeated and he alongside his angels were not allowed to stay in heaven any longer. The huge dragon was thrown out, that ancient serpent called the Devil or Satan, that deceived the whole world. He was thrown down to earth and all his angels with him, (Rev 12:7-9).

Michael was able to organise his angels to fight the devil and his angels and he won the battle; in the same way he (Michael) is still fighting for the people of God who are in distress, delivering them from the power of the devil and his agents. Michael is not an ordinary angel, he is an “Archangel” he also has the power of defending the church and he is the leader of all the angels. He is always prepared for war at any time and place. Since he was able to defeat Lucifer and his angels, he is still very much capable of fighting our battles for us either physical or spiritual. 

As Christians we are expected to possess angelic nature allowing God to make use of us as  instruments in his hand; we should always remember that we are pencils in the hand of the Creator. When we allow God to take possession of our lives it would be easy for Him to pass across his divine messages to us. In every sphere of life, we need human beings who possess angelic nature to serve as divine messengers, people who are ready to sacrifice whatever they have to become instruments in the hand of God. God does not have favourite; anyone who makes himself available would always be used by God. People who have made themselves useful instruments are referred to as divine messengers. These messengers are found everywhere; in our places of work, society and  in our spiritual life. They are people who try their best to see that there is a smooth running of an organisation, people who are not tired of doing their work as expected; they are not ready to compromise their good qualities for cheap popularity. They believe in building up values for their personal life, not wealth. People like these  are always ready to shed their blood to see that justice is done wherever they find themselves. They do not go about advertising themselves but their angelic nature is enough for you to know the stuff they are made of. In their places of work they become carriers of good news (like angel Gabriel) because they serve as messengers of God making us to know the mind of God. Nothing is too difficult for them to do; they are the engine house of every organisation. Without them an organisation would stand still. These set of people are angels in disguise. 

People with angelic nature are also found in the society where we live: people who are the voice of the voiceless, people who cannot close their eyes to evil acts. They are always quick to hear but slow to act; they are the friends of the masses and are always ready to defend the poor (like angel Michael). When they are in power, the interest of the masses come first because they are God sent (angels in human form). They become the hand of God. God uses them as instruments to bring freedom to the suffering masses

Even in our spiritual journey people like these are found, people who are interested in your breakthrough, people who pray with you without personal gain. They are capable of linking us to God. They are always ready to assist us in our spiritual journey, just as Saint Raphael followed Tobias on his journey, he did not only accompany him he also assisted him in solving his problems. People who are ready to stand by you during hard times are angels in disguise.

Sr Margret Ogbebor SSMA is a Catholic Nun, working in the Catholic Diocese of Sokoto. She is the Head Teacher of St Martin de Porres Nursery and Primary School Katsina. [email protected]