Anti-Muslim attacks double in Germany but authorities tend to ignore – NGO

Attempted arson on a mosque in Bochum that had been marked with a swastika, the door of a Muslim family in Saxony shot at by a far-right extremist neighbour, a woman pushed onto train tracks in Berlin after being asked if she belonged to Hamas. These are some of the record 1,926 anti-Muslim incidents registered […]

Anti-Muslim attacks double in Germany but authorities tend to ignore – NGO

anti muslim attacks double in germany but authorities tend to ignore

Attempted arson on a mosque in Bochum that had been marked with a swastika, the door of a Muslim family in Saxony shot at by a far-right extremist neighbour, a woman pushed onto train tracks in Berlin after being asked if she belonged to Hamas.

These are some of the record 1,926 anti-Muslim incidents registered in Germany last year by the CLAIM network of NGOs monitoring Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hatred.

That marked a 114 percent rise in 2023, with incidents shooting up in particular after October 7.

Yet authorities are paying insufficient attention to this phenomenon, and even denying its existence, as mainstream parties take over policies of far-right, anti-Islam parties that have surged in popularity, Rima Hanano told a Berlin news conference on Monday to present the report.

The Alternative for Germany (AfD), which states in its programme that Islam does not belong to Germany, has jumped to second place in polls over the past year, prompting mainstream parties to talk tougher on migration.

“The streets, buses or mosques are no longer safe places for people who are Muslim or perceived as such,” said Hanano. “Anti-Muslim racism was never as socially acceptable as today and it comes from the middle of society.”

The attacks recorded, likely only a fraction of the total given a fear of coming forward and a lack of monitoring institutions, included 90 attacks on Islamic religious sites, cemeteries and other institutions, CLAIM wrote.

Most attacks on individuals consisted of verbal abuse and were aimed at women. There were also four attempted murders.

Islamophobic attacks soar

The CLAIM report tallies a 140 percent increase in Islamophobic crimes last year recorded by the interior ministry, and a survey shows one in two Germans hold Islamophobic views.

The government last year published its first-ever independent report on Islamophobia by experts it commissioned, with a series of recommendations for tackling discrimination. (TRT World)

Family Minister Lisa Paus has said the recent rise in anti-Muslim and antisemitic attacks was “dramatic”, and the government was trying to do prevention work from an early age by funding civil society projects working on the issue.

CLAIM’s Hanano said, however, that insufficient action had been taken so far.

“Despite the fact … that we have been warning about this situation for years, it is still barely acknowledged,” she said. “What we really need is the political will to truly fight anti-Muslim racism.”