Apex court sentences Australian dad to life for killing 3 daughters, wife, grandmother

An Australian Supreme Court on Friday sentenced a 25-year-old man, Anthony Harvey, who admitted to killing his three young daughters, twin, two-year-old and three-year-old with their mother and grandmother to life imprisonment. The people were found dead inside their home in suburban Perth in Sept. 2018, after Harvey, walked into a police station in the […]

Apex court sentences Australian dad to life for killing 3 daughters, wife, grandmother

An Australian Supreme Court on Friday sentenced a 25-year-old man, Anthony Harvey, who admitted to killing his three young daughters, twin, two-year-old and three-year-old with their mother and grandmother to life imprisonment.

The people were found dead inside their home in suburban Perth in Sept. 2018, after Harvey, walked into a police station in the Pilbara region and reported the himself.

Supreme Court Justice, Stephen Hall, held that Harvey’s crimes were exceptionally horrific and sentenced him to life in prison.

Hall said, Harvey was the first person in Western Australia that will never be released from jail, a provision that was introduced to the state’s homicide laws in 2008.

“There is no other case that is truly comparable,’’ the judge said, as the women were unsuspecting, while the children were asleep before they were horribly murdered.

However, Harvey had written in a journal about embracing his “darkness and animal instincts and eliminating’’ his family.

“I am no psycho. I feel too much, I always have, I will regret what I do’’ he wrote, according to Australian news agency AAP.

Hall said the journal entries were “not a mere record of dark fantasies’’ and added that Harvey had planned the murder for days. (dpa/NAN)