Appeal to Governor Bala of Bauchi

I want to appeal to His Excellency Bala Muhammad of Bauchi’s helping hands to do something to bring an end to the current challenges of health care facilities in  Toro Local Government Area by re-building and upgrading Gumau Primary Health Care to the status of a general hospital. By doing so, it would ease the […]

Appeal to Governor Bala of Bauchi

Governor Bala Mohammed

I want to appeal to His Excellency Bala Muhammad of Bauchi’s helping hands to do something to bring an end to the current challenges of health care facilities in  Toro Local Government Area by re-building and upgrading Gumau Primary Health Care to the status of a general hospital.

By doing so, it would ease the burden of patients from travelling up to  100 kilometres from their villages for medical treatment at the moribund Marraban Ganye General Hospital.

The residents of Rishi, Tulu, Rahama, Lame, Zalau, Wonu, Badkko, Lau, Gumau, among others suffer the most due to distance. imagine a patient with an ailment that needs emergency attention traveling for 100 km before reaching the hospital. Surely, the risk is high. As such, many people lost their lives in the process.

Additionally, the dilapidated condition of the roads linking those villages to the only General Hospital, particularly Magama Gumau-Saminaka road is another factor adding to the people’s predicament as the 100 km journey could probably take nearly three hours before reaching the hospital.

Moreover,  the population of those residing in those areas is more than 300,000. To this end, it would be of additional value to their lives getting a functional medical facility at their disposal.

I am, therefore, appealing to the state government to come to our aid as your focus is to provide a lasting solution to the challenges bedeviling the health sector as well as improving the lives of the citizens.

Finally, you could recall that you have promised, during your campaign to provide more infrastructure to Lame District. It is now the time to prove to us that what you said wasn’t just a campaign promise.


Ukasha Rabiu Magama wrote from Toro, Bauchi State. [email protected]