Appreciate your gains
You should live your life with joy. It is also true that the joy you feel is life. Your attitude toward what you wish and expect governs the response you get. When things go bad, you can try to appreciate the blessings you have and what is good about your life. Have fun. It is […]

You should live your life with joy. It is also true that the joy you feel is life. Your attitude toward what you wish and expect governs the response you get. When things go bad, you can try to appreciate the blessings you have and what is good about your life. Have fun. It is not all that bad.
Having a positive outlook on what happens will help you realize the job in your life. It may be fun to complain or look to the dark side of things, but that also can only make you unhappy. Why not be happy? Also, when others feel your negative outlook, they tend to deal with you in a negative manner.
You should recognize that joy in life, and not the length of life, is the most important thing.
You are responsible for your own well being. You can’t depend on other people to make you happy, satisfied, successful or such. You have to look out after yourself. Many people these days blame others for their own mistakes or problems. When you take responsibility, you gain self-respect. When you are accountable, you can then correct any problems, so you can move on.
Behaviours and choices contribute to your state of being. Emotional and spiritual responses to behaviors can lead to physical changes. We have the ability to choose both our behaviours and responses.
You must remember that we are made up of body, mind, and spirit. We cannot separate these three parts. They all work together in whatever you do. Your attitude toward everything you do must take into account the whole person. it is difficult to enjoy life, if your body or spirit is unhealthy. And you need to earn a living to get by in life. They are all part of the whole picture, and this must be part of your attitude toward life.
On the other hand, if you learn to appreciate what you have in your life, it can empower you because you can think about what you’ve done to get at least that far. For example, if you realize that you have a roof over your head despite the fact that you’re not yet living in the home of your dreams, or if everything seems to be going wrong, but we are basically healthy, we can be grateful for our health. You can see not only how far you have to go to get your dream, but appreciate how far you’ve come.
You can appreciate what you have earned for yourself already, and believe in your own ability to be able to achieve the next level, and the next until you get what you really want. You learn to appreciate what you have by recognizing the difference between situations and actions you can control and those you can’t.
Even when we’re sick, we can appreciate the small things. Many people don’t take time to appreciate the beauty of nature, for example. Taking time to walk in your neighborhood can not only help you appreciate things about it that you may have never noticed before, but the walk can also give you some needed exercise and fresh air as well.
To have a satisfying life, you should have the attitudes that you enjoy life, are accountable for your own well being, and you think in terms of taking care of your whole person.