Are mothers of today like those of yesteryears?

Someone posted this on facebook  “so u ask, do I work? Yes, I work 24hours a day because I am a mum. I am an alarm clock, cook, maid, teacher, nanny, handyman, security officer, photographer, counsellor, jungle gym, referee and comforter. I don’t get holidays, sick leaves or a day offs. I work through the […]

Are mothers of today like those of yesteryears?
Are mothers of today like those of yesteryears?

Someone posted this on facebook  “so u ask, do I work? Yes, I work 24hours a day because I am a mum. I am an alarm clock, cook, maid, teacher, nanny, handyman, security officer, photographer, counsellor, jungle gym, referee and comforter. I don’t get holidays, sick leaves or a day offs. I work through the day and night. I am on call 24/7 and only get paid with hugs and kisses from my kids. I would not trade this for any other job in the world because it is the best job I can ever hope for” she concluded.

How many mothers can claim to be like the quoted lady above? Do pause and think about your situation for a minute as it relates to your kids.

A national newspaper once reported the case of a grandmother who confessed to smoking indian hemp and how it makes her feel high. If this kind of thing is happening amongst grandmothers then what is the possibility that we would have upright mothers that are meant to be the bedrock of the society?

Mothers have been trampling on their responsibilities in recent times that most people see no reason for mothers to be celebrated as they claim there is nothing worth celebrating. Here are some of the views expressed by some people about mothers of today.

“There is already a lot to do once you are married and when children are involved, it could be more tedious especially when you are alone catering for the child. But there are certain challenges a mother faces being a parent and a good one for that matter that is quite different from being a father. No matter her flaws, the mother would always be celebrated” expressed Mrs. Bayo Mojisola.

“To be celebrated as being a good mother entails a lot. Most of today’s mothers are only interested in worldly things and money matters and forget their basic responsibilities which mostly involve the kids and their husbands. I think to be a good wife and mother you need to have lots of love, patience and good communication skill with your kids and people around you. The logic of being the perfect mother is having a big heart, a little effort and lots of patience, that is what our mothers of those days had which is absent in today’s mothers,” Mr. Odioum Fidelis O. contributed.

“The era and idea of the perfect mother is gone, I just work on being the perfect me. The world is changing so are ideas and other things, I would advice that every mom just works on being perfect for her kids. Things have changed, in those days men were more responsible and caring but these days, they leave everything to the woman to cater for and how do we do all these without breaking down somewhere along the line?” Mrs. Kate Benua argued.

A good mother can never be replaced. She is everything in the life of her kids and her presence will always be felt even if she is no more. How many of us women can really feel good that we have lived up to our expectations in being the perfect role model to our kids? A good mother makes an impact in the lives of those around her and her kids because one day, they would also become mothers too and impact what you have impacted on them.

Mothers need to live up to their names and the trust invested in them. There is a lot to learn from mothers of yore to help inculcate the right habits and ethics in today’s kids if we sincerely and really want a better society for all. Perhaps it is true that most mothers are not living up to the expected standards deserved from them to build the society we all desire.

So believe that you can be the perfect mother to your kids and start being so today.