As an orphan, I worked after classes to pay my fees — UNIZIK best-graduating student
Twenty-seven-year-old Kosisochukwu Umeano was orphaned at an early age and had to see himself through his university education when all hope to get help failed. Umeano, who studied Music at the Faculty of Arts, Nnamdi Azikiwe University (UNIZIK), emerged as the overall best graduating student with a GPA of 4.82. In this interview, he speaks […]

Kosisochukwu Umeano
Twenty-seven-year-old Kosisochukwu Umeano was orphaned at an early age and had to see himself through his university education when all hope to get help failed.
Umeano, who studied Music at the Faculty of Arts, Nnamdi Azikiwe University (UNIZIK), emerged as the overall best graduating student with a GPA of 4.82. In this interview, he speaks about his struggle and strategies that helped him achieve the feat
How were able to emerge as the best graduating student?
I cannot say how I was able to emerge as the best graduating student. What I know is that I pursued what I planned to achieve will all seriousness. I set my target and perspective and I followed up.
In my perspective, there are three rules I normally employ. One of the perspectives is to understand my objective and goals from the beginning. One needs to have a clear goal of what he wants at a time. For example, if one is going to Lagos and he doesn’t know how he is going to get there, he will never get to Lagos. Even when he gets to Lagos, he won’t know that he is there.
Anyone who wants to be successful must have a clear goal of his dream and goal of what he wants.
Secondly, you need to strategise. What do I mean by strategy? One must know how to ask questions and do little research. If you want to be a doctor, you have to ask somebody who is already a doctor questions. You ask about what he went through to become a doctor; ask what he did to get to where he is today and if he tells you, to follow the process, you will definitely get there.
Many of us have not been able to achieve what we want in life not because we are not working hard but it is just because we don’t know the road to follow to achieve our desired dreams.
This is the major reason some people work so hard but cannot achieve anything.
Strategy is very important for one to be successful in life.
The third is what I call discipline. I define discipline as doing what one is supposed to do at the right time, whether you feel like doing it or not. With these three principles, I believe anybody can achieve success not only in educational pursuit but in every sphere of human endeavour.
Did you intend to study music originally?
I actually wanted to study computer science. That was what I actually wanted to study at the university. When I wrote JAMB for the first time, I applied for computer science but I was not admitted.
While I was at home I joined the church choir for the first time, then I began to enjoy sound. It happened to me naturally, I decided to apply to study music and in my second attempt at JAMB I was offered admission. And this is where we are today to the glory of God.
What was your social life like in the university?
I did not have any social life because I was an orphan. I did not have any person sponsoring my education. A priest who actually pushed me to university promised to sponsor me but immediately after I got admission into the university he was transferred. This time not even to a parish but to a school and he had limited means and so could not keep the promise.
Since then, it has been a lot of struggle for me. How I survived is that I went to school in the morning and went to work in the afternoon, after school. I come back to school at midnight after work to read my books and go back to prepare for my lecture in the morning. I kept to the cycle until I graduated.
How were you able to cope with the challenges?
There is an Igbo adage that says, God will always help the helpless. My ability to emerge as the best graduating student was not by myself, God was there for me and I did what I had to do at the right time. I did my best and God crowned my efforts. God helps those who help themselves.
Was there any time you thought of abandoning your educational pursuit?
Actually, there were many times I wanted to drop out of school because it was becoming too difficult for me. I could not cope with the stress, especially the financial aspect, having so much to pay for. Things like handouts, and photocopies, because I studied music and we do a lot of photocopying. Each piece you have to photocopy; you must have a copy of your own.
However, with God on my side, I kept pushing, knowing that difficult times are transient; that no condition in this life is permanent. I had to persevere till the end and I thank God that I did not give up.
At what age did you lose your parents?
I lost my mother in 2010 and my father in 2014. I was very young when I lost them.
How do you feel now?
I feel satisfied and grateful to God. I am happy that I was able to overcome all the challenges I passed through while studying at the university.
What is your next plan in life now?
I am already a teacher. I have already started an academy. This academy is a way of giving back to society what it has given to me through my alma mater, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State.
Unizik offered you employment?
No, I have my own performing academy, where I have people learning music and performing music.
What’s your advice to people of your background?
I will advise them not to give up in a challenging situation because there is light at the end if they persevere. I advise that they should pursue their dreams with focus and determination. The universe has a way of bringing to us what we desire in life so long as we persevere. God will definitely come at the most critical time to give you courage, strength and success.
Did you have a girlfriend while in the university?
I never had a girlfriend, not that I did not ask any out. When I asked them out, they declined. They will tell me that they were engaged in a relationship; and some said I was too disciplined and serious, while others said that I am too churchy, too strict and all that. They kept giving me a lot of excuses. Honestly, I never had an opportunity to have one.
Do you think they rejected you because you were struggling financially?
Perhaps! They will not tell you that. They will not tell you they don’t want you because you are a poor student. They will always find excuses to do what they want, but I thank God.