As Nigerians propose, God disposes

Today, Saturday February 16, 2019, is historic in Nigeria’s political history. It is the day when the All Progressives Congress (APC) which was once an opposition party will be standing as a ruling party in the country`s general elections. Although three elections (presidential, senatorial, and house of reps) are taking place today, the presidential seems […]

As Nigerians propose, God disposes


Today, Saturday February 16, 2019, is historic in Nigeria’s political history. It is the day when the All Progressives Congress (APC) which was once an opposition party will be standing as a ruling party in the country`s general elections. Although three elections (presidential, senatorial, and house of reps) are taking place today, the presidential seems to be of greater concern to most voters. Today, the efforts of some candidates contesting in the elections would positively or otherwise be trumped by fate.

While voters have the constitutional right to propose or decide leaders of their choice, it is God’s prerogative on the hand to dispose of voters’ proposals. This divine law is not only peculiar to elections and electoral matters alone but applies also to every human aspiration on earth. For every elective position, only one among several contestants is due to emerge as a winner. Islam teaches that possessing power and authority or losing such is dependent upon Allah’s Will. Allah, the Omnipotent, states in Qur’an 3:26 “Say: O Allah! Lord of Power (and Rule), Thou gives power to whom Thou pleases and Thou strips off power from whom Thou pleases; Thou endues with honour whom Thou pleases and Thou brings low whom Thou pleases; in Thy hand is all Good. Verily, over all things Thou has power”.

The above verse teaches that neither the popularity of a power-seeker nor his deep passion or desperation for it is enough to place power in the hands of its seeker. More fundamental and above all human calculations, intrigues, campaigns, intimidations, hate-speeches, promises and pleadings is Allah’s irresistible Will when it comes to attaining power. As candidates or their supporters, we should accept the verdict in Allah’s Will when leaders emerge from today’s elections, which according to Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), is designed to be free and fair.

While Allah’s verdict would excite candidates that emerge from the elections as winners, the same verdict would sadden others. As believers, we are expected to take whatever comes our way in life, good or bad, as destiny over which we are urged to patiently persevere. We should learn to accept Allah’s decision in every matter as the best thing to happen to us. If the outcome of the election conforms to our expectation, it is only reasonable that we give gratitude to Allah (SWT) without resorting to any wild celebrations. If the outcome, on the other hand, runs contrary to what we hoped for, we must not take recourse to violence or actions that could lead to it. We have a duty to suppress the tendency by individuals or groups to breach public peace.

Let us desist and encourage others to abstain from daring Allah’s wisdom when He (SWT) choses a person as a leader. Allah’s choice for a people can never be wrong because all that comes from Him is blameless. To consider Allah’s verdict as Good is conformity to His Will. A believer who submits to Allah and His Will shall not suffer impatience against anything (event or moment) that gives him pain or sorrow. Allah is Good; and He only does what is good. As believers, we have faith in destiny. All that has been willed to be must be, right in the end.

Any person who refuses to accept Allah’s Will is only declaring a war against himself. It would seem to be an illusion to believe that everything our hearts covet is good for us. It would equally be erroneous to assume that everything we detest is actually bad. For example, those who believe that President Buhari do not deserve to win todays presidential election could be very wrong. Only Allah (SWT) knows best that which is good for us as a people, and therefore, His choice overrides all human choices. Allah (SWT) states in Qur’an 4:19 “…it may be that ye dislike a thing, and Allah brings about through it a great deal of good”.

No matter how an individual or group of people hates President Buhari’s victory in today’s election for a second term in office, if it is Allah’s Will that he wins, nothing of course would stop that from happening. The story of Prophet Yusuf (AS) as told in the holy Qur’an explains how Allah’s plan plays out against all human plots. It is the same lesson which the 19th hadith in Annawawi`s collection of 40 traditions teaches. In this hadith which is classified as Qudsiyy, Abdullahi bn Abbas(RA) said he was once behind the Prophet (SAW) when he said : “…know that even if the (entire) community where to make a united effort to benefit you in any matter, they would not benefit you in anything except that which Allah has prescribed for you. And if they were to make a united effort to harm you in any matter, they would not be able to harm you in anything except that which Allah has prescribed for you. The pens have been lifted and the pages are dry”. That is the simple and concise explanation of the workings of Allah’s Will and command. Therefore, if it is Allah’s Will that President Buhari will serve two tenures of 8 years, everything will work in Buhari`s favour to win today’s presidential election. This, indeed, is the wish of all patriotic Nigerians who want Buhari to finish the war he is waging against corruption and insurgency.

As echoed by President Buhari within the week, Nigeria is greater than any political party. Peaceful, free and fair elections are, thus, not negotiable. There must be Nigeria before there could be any political party. Nigeria, not a candidate or a political party, must win the 2019 general elections. Nigeria becomes the winner if all elections hold under the freest and fairest atmosphere. May Allah (SWT) give us leaders that will take Nigeria to the next level in everything that will make the country great; especially in the difficult fight against treasury looters and insurgents, amin.


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