As we prepare for 1440 AH Ramadan

In less than 48 hours, the sacred month of Ramadan for this year (1440 AH) would be here. Owing to the special favours, blessings, forgiveness and mercy that come with the month of Ramadan, it is only apt that every Muslim should look forward to it. Ramadan is the month in which the holy Qur’an […]

As we prepare for 1440 AH Ramadan

In less than 48 hours, the sacred month of Ramadan for this year (1440 AH) would be here. Owing to the special favours, blessings, forgiveness and mercy that come with the month of Ramadan, it is only apt that every Muslim should look forward to it. Ramadan is the month in which the holy Qur’an was revealed to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) for the guidance of humanity. Within the month of Ramadan is a night that is better than a thousand other months.

As Muslims, we should indeed be happy at the arrival of another Ramadan; a month like no other. Ramadan is a holy month in which Allah (SWT) has promised to forgive every repentant Muslim; grant mercy to every seeker of amnesty; and pardon those who ask to be pardoned. Abu Hurayrah (RA) reports from the Prophet (SAW) that the gates to hell fire shall remain closed throughout each Ramadan period just as the gates to paradise are left open during the same period; so that the wish and prayer of those who desire the latter (paradise) would graciously be granted.

With Ramadan just by the corner, it is important we remind ourselves of how to modestly welcome this unique month with a view to preparing ourselves mentally, psychologically and financially for the 4-week period of spiritual exercise. This is to ensure that every opportunity availed by Ramadan is optimally utilized; without taking anything for granted.

Preparing for Ramadan requires us to know when to watch out for the crescent of the Islamic lunar month of Ramadan. Going by the count of the month of Sha’ban on the Timing Chapter calendar, the search for the crescent should begin on Sunday May 5, 2019 which is equivalent to 29th day of Sha’ban. Ramadan fast would start on Monday, May 6, 2019 if the news of the sighting of the crescent of Ramadan is heard on Sunday; otherwise, Ramadan fast automatically begins on Tuesday, May 6, 2019 if the crescent is not sighted on Sunday as the month of Sha’ban naturally ends on Monday. We are required not to begin the Ramadan fast until we have heard of the announcement of the sighting of the crescent of Ramadan, whence Muslims would begin the Ramadan fast. Let us not misuse the social media to circulate fake news on the commencement of Ramadan.

The teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) discourage the observance of voluntary fast close to the start of Ramadan fast. This is to avoid a situation where voluntary fast, which is a prophetic injunction, is seen to be part of Ramadan fast; an obligatory act of worship sanctioned by Allah (SWT). Against this background, it would be wrong to observe voluntary fast next tomorrow (Monday, which is the 30th day of Sha’ban) in case Ramadan crescent is not sighted tomorrow. This is because of its proximity to Ramadan fast.

In order to take utmost advantage of the spiritual benefits of Ramadan, it may be necessary to reorganize our daily routine. This is to enable us create more time to recite the Glorious Qur’an (in the case of those who never had it as a routine) or more time for reciting and understanding the Qur’an (in the case of those who already had such on their schedule). Let us plan our daily routine for this Ramadan such that web would have time to physically attend or listen to tafsir (exegesis of the Qur’an) sessions at mosques or on television and radio programmes as the case may be. Let us define the kind of tasks we would engage in during the daytime so that we do not miss out from observing tarawih and tahajjud prayers after breaking the fast.

As part of our deliberate preparations for Ramadan, it would be vital to review our interaction with ICT platforms especially the social media in order to forestall the possibility of watching or listening to clips classified as haram in Islam. Before Ramadan commences, it is important we identify and consciously decide on the websites, television channels and radio programmes that should be avoided because of the negative effects such will have on our Ramadan fast. We need to avoid certain conversations to prevent the ears from hearing foul language. We need to stay away from some television programmes in order to preclude the eyes from watching that which is forbidden. While discussing inner dimensions of worship (with specific reference to instincts), Imam Abu Hamid Al-Ghazzali said a Muslim should fast with all his limbs in order not to fall victim to the lustful desires of his limbs.

Concerning Muslim scholars, preachers, prayer leaders, presenters and anchors of radio and television programmes; I urge them to eschew the use of provocative and discourteous expressions during their preaching sessions. They are expected to exhibit a good sense of maturity in the course of educating their audience on the teachings of Islam. Wisdom and good speech, not name-calling or insults, are central to effective and popular religious proselytization.

While dealers and retailers of consumer goods are advised against taking undue advantage of the Ramadan season to increase prices of essential commodities, philanthropic individuals, groups, and NGOs are encouraged to organize or support iftar jama’i (public breaking of Ramadan fast) for the less-privileged Muslims. It is wicked for any trader to see Ramadan as an opportunity to hike prices of foodstuffs for the simple reason of the high demand for certain commodities especially sugar and fruits during Ramadan.  Let us be God-fearing in all that we do and say to earn a living. May Allah (SWT) guide us to begin and end the Ramadan fast in peace and with ease; amin.