ASCON urges partnership among MDIs to boost human capital

The Director General, Administrative Staff College of Nigeria (ASCON), Mrs Cecilia Gayya, has urged various Management Development Institutes (MDIs) across West African states to partner each other with a view to boost human capital for economic growth of their respective nations. Gayya, who is also the first Vice President of the West African Management Development […]

ASCON urges partnership among MDIs to boost human capital
ASCON urges partnership among MDIs to boost human capital

The Director General, Administrative Staff College of Nigeria (ASCON), Mrs Cecilia Gayya, has urged various Management Development Institutes (MDIs) across West African states to partner each other with a view to boost human capital for economic growth of their respective nations.

Gayya, who is also the first Vice President of the West African Management Development Institutes Network (WAMDEVIN) stated this at the opening ceremony of the ‘Train the Trainers’ course organized by WAMDEVIN Management Development Institute (MDI) West Africa sub-region in Lagos.

She said the MDIs have a responsibility to provide quality assurance in human capital building through training, research and consultancy in various countries. She added that the the programme should open up forum for more collaboration, cooperation and partnership among various staff of MDIs to enable each member institute derive the benefit of networking.

She said: "We owe the West African Governments this much and we need to work collaboratively with one another in order to effectively discharge our duties to governments and citizens across the region. It is when all MDIs perform and make very meaningful contribution to governance that we can collectively justify our existence and our relevance."

WAMDEVIN Executive Secretary, Dr. Samuel Kolawole Olowe, said that public services in different countries are expected to provide advisory support to the government and render quality service to the public. He stressed that public service needs to be continuously strengthened in terms of its human and institutional capacity, among others.

He said the service needs officers with strong analytical skills who are capable of responding promptly to macro-economic and administrative issues as well as providing practical solutions to problems encountered in the different sectors of the national life.

He said: "MDIs are central to any hope we have of using capability development strategies to transform the instruments of the state into effective, efficient, innovative and responsive agents for economic and social transformation.

"This Train-The-Trainers course is therefore organized to charge the intellectual batteries of those who are engaged in the business of strengthening the human and institutional capacities of government of their countries.

“I would therefore like to stress that why you have been carefully selected by your MDIs is to ensure that you acquire relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable you to discharge your duties as trainers more efficiently and effectively."