Aso Rock cabal: Redefining Buhari’s Presidency?

The word cabal has been an occuring word in our political system since the return of democracy in 1999. It became a household word during the late Yar’adua’s presidency when some few powerful elements capitalized on his illness to take the whole nation into hostage. They rendered the then VP Jonathan powerless and the rest […]

Aso Rock cabal: Redefining Buhari’s Presidency?

The word cabal has been an occuring word in our political system since the return of democracy in 1999. It became a household word during the late Yar’adua’s presidency when some few powerful elements capitalized on his illness to take the whole nation into hostage. They rendered the then VP Jonathan powerless and the rest the say, is history.

Few months into the President Buhari’s administration, the word crept back into our consciousness. Tongues began to wag that men that hold powerful posts in the presidency and who constitute his inner caucus are mafia-like cabal. Due to Buhari’s popularity with the masses, most of these talks wasn’t given much attention as it was easily waved. The moment the wife of the president granted that much celebrated but controversial interview, where she painted a picture of Buhari, her husband as a man at the mercy of these cabals, I knew something is brewing and as well wrong somewhere.

The frustration and set back encountered by the acting chairman of EFCC, Ibrahim Magu in the senate against his confirmation all has clear handwriting of Aso Rock cabals on it. Any political pundit would surely know that a power play is in sight. Some powerful elements are not at home with his chairmanship and want to get him out by all means. The stroke that broke the camel’s back is the trending memo written by the Kaduna state governor, Mal. Nasir El-Rufa’i, a key follower and loyalist of the president. This explosive memo centered around how cabals, who did not worked for the emergence of President Buhari have hijacked him and sidelined all others from have listening access to him. In all these three instances, one thing common to all is the frustration in which the poured out their outburst.

For those who have been long term close followers of the president, they will tell you he is a man that hardly trusts people quickly. He will study you over and over again. But as soon as he is sure of your integrity, he can entrust even his own life to you. The men that closely work with Buhari enjoy this privilege. They have been his associates for many decades and he seems to trust them 100 per cent. We are of the flesh and being human will also knock on our door. These men are fallible. Even over trusting them is a weakness on the part of Buhari. We are all weak when it comes to people we love or trust.

If the president is to succeed, he should review the activities of men he is staking his presidency on. For history and posterity will only remember and judge a man only: Buhari and not all those he entrust with enormous power. Since it is people more closer to him than this so called cabals that are raising alarms, the president should check their activities before it is too late. Sometimes, it might not even rest on corrupt practices or financial mismanagement but abuse of power and privileges. The truth is that he has conferred power on some few close associates that he trusts and that itself is very dangerous. They are blocking out people they think are not on their sides from accessing the president including family members such as his wife.

I hope someone will get Mr. President to read this and reflect upon. The cabals must not hijack the mandate of 15 million Nigerians that came with much of struggles and sacrifice. This project is even more that Buhari himself. It is a Nigeria project.



Abdulateef Usman Abiodun, Lagos.