Attention, Executive Chairman PSUBEB

Sir, on resumption of office as the Executive Chairman of the Board, you embarked on familiarization tour of all the LGEAs in the State, you revealed that you came to raise the standard of education and make it functional, you have a fervent desire of ensuring that you positively reposition the Board and rescue Primary […]

Attention, Executive Chairman PSUBEB

Sir, on resumption of office as the Executive Chairman of the Board, you embarked on familiarization tour of all the LGEAs in the State, you revealed that you came to raise the standard of education and make it functional, you have a fervent desire of ensuring that you positively reposition the Board and rescue Primary School Teachers to their rightful position of consistent payment.
Teachers were living witnesses when you took over the mantle of leadership of the board, you initiated many programmes to encourage learning, like plan of action for the term, pre-resumption meeting and most importantly, you introduced allocation of funds to all the LGEAs for the purpose of schools supervision, these programmes not only boast the morals of the LGEAs staff, but it kept Teachers on their feet, at that time, and I personally commended that, Plateau State Universal Basic Education Board has arrived, there was great improvement in the areas of Supervision and learning, it is crystally clear that you came with passion to raise the standard of Primary Education in the State.
But within the shortest period, things started deteriorating to the extent that, funds for schools supervision was no longer there, of recent there has been inconsistency in the payment of Primary School Teachers salaries, despite their Salaries are paid by the Universal Basic Education Commission Abuja. The inconsistency in the payment of Primary School Teachers Salaries leaves very much to be desired; if the Salaries come from the Commission, why then the Inconsistency? The truth is that, this is not good for your administration, if you are to raise the Standard of Education in the State because it is not only affecting learning, but it is affecting Primary School Teachers more seriously. Teachers have become permanent debtors as a result of inconsistency in Payment of salaries. Teachers have to borrow to settle the school fees of their Children, they borrow to purchase foodstuff for their family, and in fact virtually everything they need is always on Credit; Months within Months teachers survived on Community handouts.
Just of recent, I met a teacher weeping in his house, when I asked him if someone had died. He frankly told me that there was nothing left for him but of his Two (2) Months salaries because he had to pay back all his debts, this is an attribute of inconsistency in payment of salaries. The living standard of Primary School Teachers have depreciated so much that the community see them as debtors, this situation is not good for the Rescue administration in the State, unlike the Past administration of the Board, where Primary School Teachers salaries were kept in the Bank to generate interest for personal aggrandizement, very often, teachers’ salaries were borrowed by the Central Administration of the State, at that time, the Board served as the Source of Internal revenue for the State Government.
Sir, I am assuring you that, your image and reputation is worth more than anything in life, do not follow the ways of the “romans”. It is an undeniable fact, inconsistency in Payment of Salaries encourages corruption, whenever workers’ salaries are delayed based on Primordial reasons it creates suspicion. The only sure way to prevent Suspicion in leadership is consistent payment of workers’ salaries. Change must begin with PSUBEB.
Jonathan B. Bapgoen, Jos, Plateau State