Away with female wrestling, boxing, football

Let me begin by stating right away that I am aware that my female colleagues or better said my fellow women may say that I am pulling the carpet from under their feet by not recognising the ‘glory’ and ‘prestige’ which female football  et al has brought to womenfolk and the country at large. They […]

Away with female wrestling, boxing, football

Let me begin by stating right away that I am aware that my female colleagues or better said my fellow women may say that I am pulling the carpet from under their feet by not recognising the ‘glory’ and ‘prestige’ which female football  et al has brought to womenfolk and the country at large. They will point to the international laurels which our female footballers had garnered. I guess that is what emboldened our football administrators to take female football a notch higher by instituting a female premier league. And the International Olympic Committee had also introduced, female wrestling, female boxing and female weightlifting to its games for which our Nigerian girls now compete too. But I say with all the energy I can muster that they should be disbanded. I shall not tire of opposing them with the last drop of my pen, last tap of my keyboard.  Women of all ages should desist from such coarse activities as football, wrestling, weightlifting, boxing, which are harmful to their bodies and soul. It is not true that what a man can do a woman can also do, much more, do better. No.

The physical build of both sexes are distinct and this determines the activities they are cut out for by Nature. Men with their muscular structure are made for rough kind of activities and women for feminine, finer activities. In the wordings themselves, we find the right conception.

Watching in the midst of others, you will hear such unpremeditated comments as, “see how she played, headed that ball, box like a man; she is playing, fighting like a man”. You will further hear remarks   in our local pidgin like, “she get power like man”. This is by no means a complement for the lady at whom they are directed.  It shows that everybody senses and knows deep down in their hearts that this is not a woman’s field. Now, those females involved in these sports as a profession are tending towards masculinity. Overtime they develop male features and in a next incarnation they become what are called distorted souls. That is, their physique is male but their soul is feminine (its fundamental core from the very beginning). This results in several social problems, including sexual pervasions, one aspect of which is termed lesbianism. There are other consequences which shall not be discussed here because this is an article, not a scholarly treatise.

What is said of females also applies to males. That is to say those men who partake in feminine (negative) types of activities as a life-long profession also at a later incarnation on earth become distorted souls with its concomitant problems. Distorted souls are neither here nor there. They are neither genuine women nor genuine men and they end up not finding true happiness (I do not mean contentment which money can buy, but inner peace).

You will also notice that some female footballers, female boxers, female weightlifters and their ilk that are enmeshed in masculine kinds of activities have some male characteristics. Hence we also get remarks as “look at her, she looks like a man”. This is another level of one that is tending towards becoming a distorted soul. Thus the distortion is a long process – overtime women that suffuse themselves in predominantly positive (coarse) activities first manifest male characteristics while still retaining their female physique and then at their next incarnation on earth, they are born as men with male physique but their soul (core) remains fundamentally female, feminine. The two do not match. And therein lays the distortion. Such distortions whether it be a distorted female soul or distorted male soul has adverse consequences for the person concerned as well as the environment.

Victoria Ngozi Ikeano, Lafia, Nasarawa State