Bad governance worsens poverty

Nigeria’s poverty today is not caused by economic crises. Our economy [for the past 14 years] has been more robust than ever. What has the PDP lead government really achieved for the past 14 years? The answers are evident in our society; the high levels of poverty in the Nigerian state can best describe the […]

Bad governance worsens poverty
Bad governance worsens poverty

Nigeria’s poverty today is not caused by economic crises. Our economy [for the past 14 years] has been more robust than ever. What has the PDP lead government really achieved for the past 14 years? The answers are evident in our society; the high levels of poverty in the Nigerian state can best describe the fresh air we have been breathing for the past 14 years. We need no soothsayer to tell us that the future of the Nigerian state is on the brink, the poor masses have no practical solution to their woes, thereby leaving the future of our dear motherland in the hand of those who have already raped it.
Today’s poverty is due to misuse of the country’s prosperity and policies which favour politicians and the rich but are terrible for the poor. The poor have now become victims of political tussle that has engulfed our nation, where every politician is after his/her own share of the national cake.
The major problem is that the government has been structured since 1999 to run like a business, with close ties and an obvious leaning on the crude oil sector so much. “Unfortunately, the government is not a business firm. It should not be making decisions based on economic gain of certain individuals to the detriment of the masses.” The people who voted and struggle for the existence of our dear democracy in 1999 are now forced to eat the bitter pearl. Has the definition of democracy suddenly changed? Or is ours special? Only time will tell. The greatest regret today is that we are part of a failing generation which has suddenly lost hope and folded its arms, waiting for manna to fall from heaven.
Nigeria escaped from poverty during the early 1950s, but poverty had reappeared today “unexpectedly in one of the world’s most unstable and prosperous black country, and was allowed to intensify in the years that followed”. The mentality that “no one deserved welfare” and a fear that welfare would drain the country dry had driven government welfare policies since after the advent of the democratic government lead by PDP. Today, we have all different kind of militia group springing up and causing havoc to the Nigerian state, all thanks to years of neglect by government, which policy has ensure the enslavement of the masses. Criminality in any society reflects the policy of its government, yet in our country the government seems so disconnected from the people, that those at the helm fail to understand the realities on ground.
Nigeria’s new poor are not just categorised by low incomes, but are deprived in terms of housing, health, educational and welfare needs.”Welfare has never been high on the political agenda,” little wonders why the mortality rates had increased. The beginning of a better Nigerian will only be achieved if we all see our problems practically and confront it with all sincerity.

Ahmed Omeiza Lukman, National Technical University of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine <[email protected]>