Bala Usman: 12 years after the life of a scholar and prince

Roughly two weeks ago, on the 24th of September, it was exactly 12 years since the demise of an erudite, radical scholar of repute, Dr. Yusufu Bala Usman. The great historian whose father was the son of Emir of Katsina, Muhammadu Dikko, and mother, the daughter of Emir of Kano, Abdullahi Bayero passed on to […]

Bala Usman: 12 years after the life of a scholar and prince
Bala Usman: 12 years after the life of a scholar and prince

Roughly two weeks ago, on the 24th of September, it was exactly 12 years since the demise of an erudite, radical scholar of repute, Dr. Yusufu Bala Usman. The great historian whose father was the son of Emir of Katsina, Muhammadu Dikko, and mother, the daughter of Emir of Kano, Abdullahi Bayero passed on to the great beyond leaving behind an enduring legacy of scholarship. 

My first direct encounter with the name Yusufu Bala Usman was through the work of M.G. Smith, whom I had erroneously thought was the same person as Malam Abdullahi Smith, Dr. Usman’s tutor and doctoral supervisor. Smith had authored a book in 1957 on the history of Zazzau titled ‘Government in Zazzau’. This book by all measure could easily pass as one of the most fallacious historical documents ever written. It remains a distorted, self-contradictory and dangerous book that has caused uncountable problems in Zazzau. But unfortunately, till date, it has an exaggerated relevance in the discourse of Zazzau Emirate’s history. 

We had approached Dr. Bala Usman to give us his own assessment of the book after the late Wakilin Gabas Zazzau, Alh Sani Ahmed Kari was unfairly humiliated during a Sallah durbar for styling his turban in a manner that’s meant only for princes. That was in 2014. The reason for approaching him was because those that humiliated the late Wakilin Gabas based their arguments on the historical accounts in ‘Government in Zazzau’.

Dr. Bala in his usual element, critiqued Mr. Smith’s work for lacking adequate substance, pointing out an example of a big  contradiction that reflected in the genealogical tree of the Bare Bari ruling dynasty of Zazzau, where Emir of Zazzau Mal. Hammada was captured as the biological father of Galadiman Zazzau Dokaje, while Dokaje was referred to as the biological father of Sa’in Zazzau Mazadu. Hammada (Babarbare), Galadima Dokaje (Badokaje) while Sa’i Mazadu is Bakatsine. Also a certain Ohodde, daughter of Makama Yahaya was said to be the wife of Turaki Ali. Turaki Ali in turn was referred to as the son of Makama Yahaya – making him to be married to his own biological sister – going by Smith’s abominable conclusion. These are among many other contradictions in that horrendous book.

Mr. Smith, according to Dr. Usman, had in most cases failed to provide clear sources of his distorted data. No wonder, Bala Usman until his death remained resolute in his support for the preference of “oral and linguistic sources along with written and archaeological sources” in historical documentation, which Smith’s work evidently lacked. He referred us to Mr. Smith’s wife in the United Kingdom, whom might be privy to the ‘sources’ that birthed her late husband’s questionable historical work. But of course, our sojourn ended there!

My second encounter with him was through his work, ‘The Misrepresentation of Nigeria’ which he co-authored alongside his former student, Professor AlKassum Abba. It was a book that we were mandated to thoroughly read if we indeed desired to pass the course ‘Nigerian Government and Politics’ as Year Two students of Political Science and International Studies in Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria in 2006. It was an exhilarating intellectual venture that helped us in great measure to grasp the complex nature of Nigeria’s history.

The Abdullahi Smith Centre for Historical Research, conceived in 1986 by the triumvirate of late Dr. YusufuBala, late Muhammed Dikko Yusufu – or M.D. Yusuf as he’s popularly known – Nigeria’s first indigenous Inspector General of Police – and Professor George Kwanashie, was another enduring legacy and reservoir of knowledge left behind by this Katsina-born prince. The Smith Centre, since its inception more than 3 decades, has been a citadel of knowledge to the benefit of all researchers and students of history alike. Still very much in the forefront of conducting historical research in Nigeria, its office is located within the edifice of The Centre for Democratic Research and Training (CEDDERT), another brainchild of Bala Usman, along Sokoto Road, Zangon-Shanu, Zaria. 

Like The Abdullahi Smith Centre, CEDDERT, even after the demise of Dr. Usman, has kept its reputation untainted in its quest and effort to contribute in democratic scholarship and in the consolidation of Nigeria’s democracy. Those that have been keenly following our country’s political development, would be conversant with the intellectual and advocacy roles the Democratic Centre played in defeating the ‘Third Term Agenda’ of President Olusegun Obasanjo in 2006. More recently, CEDDERT has been going round the country conducting research on the menace of cattle rustling, which has been posing a serious threat to our cherished unity.

This was the life Dr. Yusufu Bala Usman lived for. His story is that of selfless service, courage, modesty, intellect and integrity. Despite his princely background, he chose the path of honour, dignity and social justice to fight for the liberation of the common man even if it would ruffle the feathers of the Northern oligarchy that produced him. His story calls for deep reflection on our youths in the North who waste their prime age with pride and toga of royalty, but pay less attention to their personal development and scholarship. It is hoped that his life would continue to be a lesson for us in many years to come. 

With all these experiences about the inspiring life of Dr. Bala Usman over a decade ago, little did I know then I would be working very closely with his daughter, Hadiza Bala Usman – whom so far, has proven to be a worthy successor, owing to her stint in the public service. Independent opinions from divergent quarters are pointers to the rarity of the personal courage she has so far demonstrated in her stewardship of Nigerian Ports Authority.

May Allah SWT continue to grant eternal mercy on the soul of one of Africa’s greatest historians, whose many legacies have continued to positively shape the lives of many Nigerians. Amin.

Dabo writes from Lagos.