Balancing the home and work as a career woman

According to the Abuja Chapter Chairperson of the Society of Women Accountants of Nigeria (SWAN) Elizabeth Ajibola, some women pursue only success and excellence in their careers neglecting their homes. She said career woman should have enough time for their home be they accountants or from other professions. “You notice that some neglect their homes […]

Balancing the home and work as a career woman
Balancing the home and work as a career woman

According to the Abuja Chapter Chairperson of the Society of Women Accountants of Nigeria (SWAN) Elizabeth Ajibola, some women pursue only success and excellence in their careers neglecting their homes.
She said career woman should have enough time for their home be they accountants or from other professions. “You notice that some neglect their homes and even God, they even stop going to the church or mosque just to be in the office,” she said.
Ajibola who was speaking on Monday at a seminar organized by SWAN with the theme “Living a balanced life as a career woman” said women have many phases of life to combine and manage appropriately such as husband, children, in-laws, church, God, society, work, personal life and health to mention a few and a strain in any of these areas can throw a woman’s life in a total mess if she doesn’t strike a balance.
The Director Facility Security Management, Federal Inland Revenue Service,  Mrs O. M. Odusanya  at the seminar, defined a  career woman as a woman who prefers to work rather than staying at home to take care of the family and also wants to make a success of her job, adding, “often times, she aspires to reach the pinnacle of her career.”
President of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria, Alhaji Kabir Alkali Mohammed in his address at the event said in spite of women’s desire to be joint leaders in the corporate world, a professional woman must grapple with the challenge of managing her home to avoid a broken marriage and ill-bred children.
He said the woman must be ready to make sacrifice for the benefit of her husband, child or even a boss saying sacrifice is the chief activity that defines femininity.
The ICAN President said how to keep your home as a female professional is a challenge that can be effectively managed and a problem that is surmountable. “Ironically, our parents did not find this a problem as they adhered strictly to their own division of labour. But times have changed; we are now in a jet age which stresses affirmative actions and equality of men and women. Couples have now become joint bread winners because of the harsh economic circumstances. This is the challenge of our time,” He said.  
He said women must give their best in order to build the home/family which is the foundation of a virtuous society. “This is the surest way to secure the trust, support and enjoy the love of their husbands, which are germane to professional career success. Where this rule is observed, the family and home will be not only at peace, the woman would be able to strive for greater professional fulfillment outside the home. This may help explain why successful professional women are credited with being highly supportive wives, managers and excellent team players.
“Although some professional women resort to the hiring of house-helps to achieve this ideal, the outcome in many instances have been embarrassing and sometimes, unpleasant. Some house-helps are known to have “taken over” the homes of their madams while some others have influenced children with bad behavioural traits.
“Conversely some house boys are known to have “stepped” into the oga’s shoes because of his continuous absence from home or unending meetings in the offices! House-helps, in whatever form, cannot and should not be made role models for our children. In fact their use amount to child abuse and child labour which are criminal offences.” He explained.
Speaking on how women can achieve work-life balance, Group Head, Human Capital Development, First Bank, Ayodele Jaiyesimi said:  “Flexibility in your work schedule is key-ask for it or find a company that offers it.”
Other tips she gave include: Plan “me time” and put it on your calendar, create  special family activities, spend time with your partner, create moments for yourself, use your support system-Pick up the phone when you’re late for school
‘runz,’ stay connected during the day, limit distractions and time wasters, share the load,  slow down and use technology like blackberry, iphones and other things to make your work easier.
Principal Partner,  Comfort Olu Eyitayo and Co,  Mrs Eyitayo Comfort Olujumoke on her part said finding a balance between work life and personal life can be a challenge for career-driven women.  “If you have a corporate job that you love, it may be easy to pour your heart, soul, and body into it and spend every hours doing what you love best. Even though you give work or passion your all, when your day’s job is done, the key to joy inevitably lies in the balance achieved with other important  aspects of your life, that matters to you,” she said.
She gave the following keys to achieving balance;
“Take charge of your life, avoid passing work schedule home, limit work talk with your significant other, plan downtime intentionally and stop cancelling or re-scheduling those plans!”
Other experts also advise career women to begin effective time management by making a list of their priorities. By knowing what you want to accomplish, you can help delegate your time.  The 4 D’s in time management they say include; Do it, Delegate it, Dump it, and Defer it.
Others include; Separate your work and motherhood responsibilities, when you are at work, make a to-do list for your job. As you accomplish tasks, you can strike through them and when you get home from work, then concentrate on the work at home which may include cooking , helping kids with home work among others. You could also delegate some household chores to your children or spouse.
Just like the ICAN President Alhaji Kabir Alkali Mohammed said:“while, it is very interesting being a female professional, it will be more so when you successfully court the understanding of your husband and children. Whatever your calling, you must make your spouse see that ultimately, he and your children are the beneficiary of all that you set out to do as a professional.
“Once he sees the economic benefit rather than the unimportant, unannounced and inevitable competition for financial superiority in the home, you will enjoy his understanding, love and support. Your success should be the glory of the family. Only then, can you “play like men and win like women”, he added.