BAYA 2014: Olumba Obu wants youths to champion Nigeria, World peace

Senior Christ Servant (SCS) and chairman of the local organising committee of the event, Ambassador Egan Adat has said yesterday in Abuja that the three-day event themed “One God One Nation” was the second having successfully organised the maiden edition in Port Harcourt Rivers State.“We have carefully chosen the theme to emphasize the oneness and […]

BAYA 2014: Olumba Obu wants youths to champion Nigeria, World peace
BAYA 2014: Olumba Obu wants youths to champion Nigeria, World peace

Senior Christ Servant (SCS) and chairman of the local organising committee of the event, Ambassador Egan Adat has said yesterday in Abuja that the three-day event themed “One God One Nation” was the second having successfully organised the maiden edition in Port Harcourt Rivers State.
“We have carefully chosen the theme to emphasize the oneness and unity of all the creations of God. Though ethnic differences, colour, language and customs tend to divide us and create problems in the world, we are nonetheless one large human family under God. We adopt the theme to enlighten people on the need to live peacefully as one,” she said.
While saying that youths are vibrant, energetic and skilful segment of the society, she lamented that they have become vulnerable to societal ills and now deploying their intellects and skills negatively, adding that part of measures to address the trend and bring back the youths to path of morality led Olumba to establish BAYA.
Speaking at the grand finale of the conference in Abuja, Spiritual head of the brotherhood, Olumba Olumba Obu said BAYA is a marvellous initiative designed to trigger and enhance the process of self-realization and divine transformation amongst the youths and that such transformation that will result in position and lasting changes in mindset, attitudes and behaviours that are in line with the recondite teachings of Jesus Christ.
While calling for a change of heart and attitude for peace, he said: “The pathetic violence perpetrated by terrorists groups all over the world which include suicide bombings, kidnappings and videoed beheadings amongst many others; the tragic feud between Israel and Palestine resulting in persistent attack on each other, the middle east region that is constantly on flames, breakdown in governmental structures around the world, global credit crunch, regional disintegration, outbreak of deadly diseases such as the current Ebola virus ravaging the West African region, floods, hurricanes and earthquakes in diverse places, even the soon to arrive deadly disease from the man of sin which will kill score of people in no time are al indicators that His days of vengeance is near.”
He regretted that the churches are now all about ownerships of private jets and luxurious cars, family cartels, child abuse, and den of paedophiles?
“Church leadership now is about showmanship and stage bragging. As I speak churches today have become more and more embracive of the New Age interfaith agenda, denying Christ as the only way to salvation, churches have given into politically corrupt media and a dishonest society, they have embraced homosexuality as an acceptable and alternate lifestyle and preaching prosperity and compromise in place of God’s truth for salvation of the world which hinges on righteousness,” Obu said.
On the coming 2015 General Elections, Obu advised that as Nigerians head to the polls to decide the leaders in the next administrative dispensation, the processes should be done in such a way that the nation’s democracy should be seen to be legitimate, popular and proper.
He said: “Let politics and politicians in Nigeria be primarily concerned with achievement of unity in diversity because we are not enemies; and this will secure the basis for sustainable value and norms for our dear country Nigeria. I am speaking today to the youth particularly the Nigerian youths that you must refuse to be used as elements of violence an instruments to perpetrate the security problems such as; political agitations, ethnic-religious crisis, ethnic militias, cultism, criminality and organized crimes.
“From the North to the South, East and West whether you are a Muslim, Christian or other faiths, majority or minority; we are all bound by our common humanity and mutual aspirations, as such brotherly love must exist in the name of our lord Jesus Christ.”
He said the peace march held in course of the celebration of the conference replicates what was done in the days of old by the children of Israel who marched round the walls of Jericho seven times after which the wall fell and that the Abuja Peace March has brought down all the spiritual walls of evil plan built to disintegrate Nigeria and Africa as a whole.
He said: “The march symbolizes the march of the children of Israel from Egypt, the land of bondage to Canaan, the Land of Promise and Freedom. Relatively, the march portrays a march from the old world of sin, misery, bondage and damnation to a New World of righteousness, freedom, joy and salvation.”
He also enjoin all the past and present leaders and the citizenry to forgive one another and radiate love, mercy and kindness so that Nigeria can ascend her ordained lofty heights in  God’s scheme of things especially as the Government of the New World.
“The era of class and social stratification is gone. The era of tribalism and ethnicism is over; the era of racism is far gone for the blood of Christ has united all things in heaven and in earth,” Obu said.
Bishop Enang Essien of Abuja said the event has changed the lives of the youths of the world especially in their moral and social values and would mitigate all challenges faced by Nigeria and Africa.
The Leader’s representatives of Abuja Gift Osim said the gathering was to remind the youths in the Kingdom to physically demonstrate the teachings of the father in their outward appearance, character and relationship within and outside the fold.
In her goodwill message, Christ Ambassador Onyero Emefiele said the challenges faced by Nigeria was the fault of Muslims and Christians due to frustration, economic, religious and political differences used as basis to create tension in the country and that only brotherly love can be used to overcome the challenges.
The BCS’s Secretary, General Affairs, Bishop B. W. Degi in his message said the conference was for the youths to evaluate their activities and performance in the past year and to identify their strength and weakness while focusing on the theme and the mandate for greater achievements.
There was also the Singing Competition which was won by Akwa Ibom State and awarded a trophy and N500, 000, Rivers won the second position with a trophy and N300, 000 and Abuja came third winning a trophy and N200, 000. Abuja also won N50, 000 after coming second in the football match losing 2-0 to Rivers won N70, 000.
Other highlights of the conference was the observance of a minute silence for the victims of Boko Haram violence, and the Synagogue Church building collapse which claimed over 100 lives in Lagos.