BCDA not funding Buhari’s campaign

The attention of the Executive Secretary, Junaid Abdullahi and the Management of BCDA have been drawn to the PDP presidential candidate’s campaign office press statement to the effect that the Border Communities Development Agency is running President Muhammadu Buhari’s campaign with slush funds from the Agency. This is the height of misinformation. Ordinarily, as an […]

BCDA not funding Buhari’s campaign
BCDA not funding Buhari’s campaign

The attention of the Executive Secretary, Junaid Abdullahi and the Management of BCDA have been drawn to the PDP presidential candidate’s campaign office press statement to the effect that the Border Communities Development Agency is running President Muhammadu Buhari’s campaign with slush funds from the Agency.

This is the height of misinformation. Ordinarily, as an Agency of repute with the onerous responsibility to the Nigeria project, we would have ignored such unreasonable outburst. For one, the Agency does not want to be dragged into any political mudslinging. Over the years, we have completed projects in every border State of the country irrespective of the political party at the helm of affairs in such State. Our commitment to duty cuts across ethnic, religious and political affiliations. We have been in existence for the last nine years strictly fulfilling our mandate and we will therefore, not be distracted by these falsehoods from the S.A on Public Communication to Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, Mr. Phrank Shaibu. However, to address the unfortunate and spurious accusations against the Agency, we will put the records straight and erase whatever wrong impression such falsehood has created in the minds of the general public.

The Projects referred to in the publication in question are not the core Capital Projects of the BCDA but Constituency Projects domiciled in the Agency by National Assembly members that cuts across party lines. The point the PDP presidential Campaign office and some disgruntled Contractors failed to understand is that Mr. Junaid Abdullahi was appointed and assumed duties long after the prequalification process has been concluded. For the records, Mr. Abdullahi assumed duties on the 18th October, 2018 while these Constituency projects were advertised on the 31st July, 2018 and bids were opened on the 13th August for Expression of Interest and others opened on 10th September, 2018. As at the date the Executive Secretary assumed office, all prequalification on the Constituency Projects had been concluded but award for contracts on Constituency Projects had not been done for some obvious reasons, funds were not released at that time, and just when funds were released after his assumption of duties, an online publication Premium Times came up with spurious allegations intended to undermine the procurement process of the Agency. Based on the Premium Times publication, an NGO petitioned Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP) and a surveillance exercise is currently ongoing by BPP as statutorily expected of the BPP whenever petitions of that nature arise, accordingly no contract will be awarded pending the conclusion of the exercise.

The issue of unqualified companies being prequalified is to misinform the unsuspecting public of the Agency’s procurement process. The issues raised by the online media and Atiku presidential campaign spokesperson are unfounded. No company without Tax Clearance Certificate has been prequalified technically in our 2018 Constituency Projects evaluation. It is therefore appalling to read that the following companies do not have Tax Clearance Certificates, namely, M/S SMV Nig Ltd Lot 83; M/S Young Stallion Group ltd for Lot 83; M/S AICON Residential Ltd Lot 84; M/S Khamz Nig Ltd Lot 386; M/S Bidmusdruhill Lot 386; M/S Arcad Projects Ltd Lot 110; M/S De Poor Shall Rich Nig Ltd Lot 281; Dankoe Global Services Ltd Lot 281; and M/S Yalele farms Lot 315.

The above companies presented three years Tax Clearance Certificates from FIRS, it is therefore expected of the Procurement Unit to carry out due diligence with FIRS before any of the above companies becomes a preferred bidder.

From all indications, the Procurement Unit of BCDA is being vilified for political reasons. The Unit has conducted its procurement exercise for 2018 professionally in accordance with the dictates of the Public Procurement Act 2007, therefore no amount of undue influence or political intimidation will make us succumb or engage in any unethical practice.

It should therefore be a huge embarrassment to the PDP Campaign office of Atiku Abubakar to make such baseless accusations without verifying their facts. Unfortunately, they quoted an online media organization which didn’t reach out to us to get the authentic position of the Agency. We had earlier sent out a rejoinder which the online media organization has since published.

For the avoidance of all doubt, the evaluation and procurement processes for the 2018 Constituency projects are still ongoing. For the fact that the procurement process has not yet been concluded, no contract has been awarded for the Constituency Projects neither has any funds been released to any Contractor.

It is therefore impossible for the BCDA to have participated in the running of any campaign with slush funds from the Agency. We wish to appeal to the public that the Agency is carrying out its mandate of providing infrastructure to border communities to the best of our ability and we will not be distracted by bad press or any campaign organization in our quest to better the lives of our rural dwellers in the border communities. We therefore remain focused, undaunted, committed and steadfast in our bid to achieve our goal.


Atarhe R. Akpohwaye – Abuh (Mrs), Head, Public Affairs & Protocol