Be careful what you wish others or you just might get it!

We all make wishes. It is very common to hear someone say, “I wish for this and that and so on and so forth! When we do this, the wish is usually very general in nature like, “I wish I would lose the weight that I need to lose”, “I wish I had lots of […]

Be careful what you wish others or you just might get it!
Be careful what you wish others or you just might get it!

We all make wishes. It is very common to hear someone say, “I wish for this and that and so on and so forth! When we do this, the wish is usually very general in nature like, “I wish I would lose the weight that I need to lose”, “I wish I had lots of money”, “I wish I could find a beautiful woman/handsome man”, “I wish I owned a home”, “I wish I was richer and had all the money in this world”, I wish I was in a better position or even married to a better man or woman, I wish I could turn back the hands of time,” etc.

Mother Theresa once said you should be careful what you pray and wish for and think about it, because it just might happen. And because you were not specific and did not think it through enough before you made the wish, you may not be happy with what you’ll finally get. As you think, so shall it be. You have the power to manifest whatever you focus on.

Our thoughts will become our reality. The power of our thoughts in the universe does not distinguish between what will be good or bad for us, it simply fulfils what you are praying or wishing for. This is a crucial point that we have to understand because we may get what we wish for only to find out after it was granted that it was not what we wanted or that was not what we meant, the outcome of the wish we did not consider!

While the fulfilment of wishes lies on one end of the spectrum, the responsibility involved lies on the other. Many people can relate to wishful thinking which in most cases may be for our own good. Take, for example, Nayda Suleman. She made a name as the first woman to be delivered of eight kids by caesarean section.

She achieved this feat after she was told that her chances of having a child again were slim, so she decided to do in vitro fertilisation treatment and had several eggs implanted in her, thinking that just one would make it to the end. As a child, she wished to have many kids and her wish was granted with the last pregnancy in which she had eight kids in addition to the six she already had, totalling fourteen kids.

In an interview she granted online, she expressed deep regret over her historic multiple birth, saying she had ruined her life and those of her kids. “I never anticipated having more than one more baby. I was praying and wishing for just one more, and if I had not had it, I still would have been happy with the six I had,” she said, full of regrets.

Nayda’s story only teaches us that we should be careful what we wish for and it applies to areas where people desire something to the point of obsession without knowing fully what is involved. It also tells us to be realistic in whatever we wish for and consider all sides, including responsibilities.

Once you understand the power of your thoughts, not only will you be careful what you wish other people, you will also be careful what you think about, focus on and wish other people. Saying you should be careful what you wish for only means you should think thoroughly about what you are wishing for, because it is really going to make the situation better or worse.

A wish can be granted which could hinder many other things. For example, you might be wishing for a new car, and eventually when you get it, it could end up making you not to be able to meet up with some responsibilities like bills, food, medication and clothes all because you wanted that car. Just look around you and you will find out that this situation has happened one way or the other in your life.

“Well, if you really believe that something will come true for you, then it will indeed. Most often, however, people are convinced that something will not happen. They believe that their wishes cannot or will not come true because they feel they are unworthy or not clever enough or because they are too poor or simply just because they are always unlucky. But then, it is better to be careful what we wish for as we just might get and regret ever wishing for it.

In trut,h most people do not know what they want and just end up making wishes lousily. It’s better to wish for what allows you to do your own thing and allows others to respond in an appropriate way as they feel it’s appropriate. By so doing, you’ll leave room for their individuality in your plans and not leave yourself open for blame.

As soon as you start thinking of a wish, make sure you have thoroughly thought through the pros and cons. Go forth and wish for what you want and you will get it. But before you do that, be very sure that you have an understanding of what your wish being granted means! Think through the words and have them engraved on your mind, because they do work for many people. “More tears are shed over answered prayers than unanswered ones” — Mother Theresa.