Be warned: Your laziness could be destructive!

“Lazy woman is twice worse than a lazy man. See, a man is a person who has to care about the material side of life. He is a person who has to care about all those troubles that prevent his family from happy living. And the only place man can have a rest at is […]

Be warned: Your laziness could be destructive!
Be warned: Your laziness could be destructive!

“Lazy woman is twice worse than a lazy man. See, a man is a person who has to care about the material side of life. He is a person who has to care about all those troubles that prevent his family from happy living. And the only place man can have a rest at is his home. His home is his castle and it is the woman who makes the home the real castle.  But in some cases the woman even makes the home like a prison because she does not do what is expected of her, as she most times leaves the whole house in a mess making it very unconducive for the man to be comfortable with it. If a woman is lazy and she happens to be a wife at the same time, then there is going to be a lot of conflict in the home because a stable home does not need a lazy woman as its co-head, it just cannot work,” says Jimoh Adeneye, a civil servant.

“It is very important for a woman not to be lazy as I have seen the havoc of what laziness can cause in a home. Every woman needs to be taught that being lazy is not the best even if she is not married, though there are times that one cannot just resist the urge to be lazy but it has to be done with a little consideration and moderation. Once a man notices that his wife is a lazy woman, there are so many things that would go wrong in that home as the man will definitely try to find peace somewhere where probably another woman has to offer. It is important for her to care about her man and her home and about those things that will make them happy. She is the heart of the family and there is no way for her to be lazy and stop beating. Everyone has duties and there is no way to reject whatever responsibility has been placed on a woman,” says Shehu Aliyu.

We may talk for a long time about the reasons for and symptoms of laziness or the things that deal with the laziness. Though there is only one thing that is of great important: overcoming laziness. The way you are going to deal with the laziness depends on the kind of laziness you suffer from.

Laziness is the enemy of productivity. If we were lazy, there is no way we could accomplish meaningful things. We may procrastinate doing things, or even if we do them we may end up doing them only half-heartedly and not getting the desired result. There is no way we can produce high-quality results that way if we have laziness in our bones.

Laziness for a woman is destructive as most women do not realise it or see it as an excuse for being mordern by following western trends. They fail to realize that they only end up destroying themselves because no one wants a lazy woman as a wife. Laziness is very destructive because it makes the woman not to be able to cook the desired food she ought to give her husband. Lazy women put the home in a mess which in turn turns the home to a living hell for the man. Every man wants to come back home to a cosy, serene and warm home after a hard day‘s job but if the reverse is the case, he will definately stay out and get what he desires form outside.

“A woman is meant to be coordinated and try to make the home comfortable, though there are instances that can hamper her doing everything but she does not have to make laziness her daily routine, it‘s disastrous for her image and reputation,” says Moses Ike.

Women, for different reasons are more lazy than men. It is not easy to concentrate on the home, kids, husband and work place without falling out of place at one point but it is very necessary to throw out the laziness trait from your life before it destroys your home and everything you have worked for. It takes a lotof effort to sustain your energy levels. In general, it is the lack of motivation that is the main ground for laziness.  If you find yourself fitting into this club or falling into, it you need to take radical steps to stop and step up in your responsibilities. This travesty has to stop before it gets out of control or the consequences might just be too hot to handle.

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