Beat procrastination in 3 seconds and other tips

You’re convinced you need a bath. But are you avoiding getting up and going to the bathroom? And when you get in, do you dread splashing water on your body? You know you have to write. But are you wasting too much time staring at the screen?  It’s time for prayers, yet you can’t get […]

Beat procrastination in 3 seconds and other tips

You’re convinced you need a bath. But are you avoiding getting up and going to the bathroom? And when you get in, do you dread splashing water on your body? You know you have to write. But are you wasting too much time staring at the screen?  It’s time for prayers, yet you can’t get up?

Here’s what to do:Count from 1 to 3 and simply do it.  Tell yourself, “at the count of three I’m going to get up and pray. 1, 2, 3!” Make sure you’re ready to “just do it” before you start counting.  It works. Try it. It works for teachers when they are trying to get the students to settle down in the classroom. 

It works for parents when they are trying to get their children to stop misbehaving. And it will work for you. Some people I’ve shared this tip with, said it worked for them. Others said, it worked but they had to count for more than three seconds.  These ones are not doing it right.  You’ve to prepare your mind that at the count of 3, you’ll do it.  In fact saying 3 and starting the work should come at the same time.

Instant Rapport: Read this before your next conversation 

One way to build rapport, we’re told, is to mirror the behavior of the other person. If he smiles you smile. If he makes a certain gesture, you make the same gesture. It works.  But it’s difficult to keep up without doing something awkward and the person starts thinking you’re crazy.  

Therefore, I’ve a better way to go about it without you looking insane.  When having a conversation with someone, and it’s your turn to speak, use this phrase frequently: “Like you mentioned earlier…”

This way, you’re acknowledging the person’s “precious” ideas and how important he or she is as an individual. Thus, that person would feel honored, appreciated and respected.  Although people don’t get tired of hearing this, in order not to sound corny, you may want to know the synonyms so that you can say the same thing in different ways. 

Here are the synonyms:  “I’m still thinking about what you said earlier.”“I want to add to your point.”“Let me build on the foundation you laid.”“I took mental note of the interesting observation you made earlier.”   And so forth.

If it’s a group discussion, it’s even better because you get the opportunity of using people’s names. Everyone loves their name. Example, “Like X mentioned earlier…”

I like to use this technique when I’m presenting a paper at a company retreat or workshop. I particularly target the boss. Once you have the boss on your side, other participants would follow his/her enthusiasm. Example: “MD made an observation during her speech in which I find a solid logic.”

Knowing that even in academia one has to sprinkle some politics into his dealings, when in graduate school during presentations, I took note of what the professors said to other students – especially the points that are related to my work – and weave them into my presentation. Example: “Professor X made an important point during Jane’s presentation…”

You must have noticed one thing,didn’t you?You must have seen that using thesephrases doesn’t mean you’re agreeing. In fact, you might be completely opposed to what the other person is saying. You mayactually be repulsed by the other person’s boneheaded ideas. Yet, it’s better to have rapport and disagree than differing with animosity. 

Therefore, in your next conversation, weave this phrase into the dialogue for an instant rapport. 

The simplest way to the clearest writing 

Many people try too much when writing, resulting in a difficult to understand copy. Not only that, we’ve been told that writing shows a person’s state of mind. My literature teacher once asked me: “Did someone write this for you?” The poem was so badly written, he thought I gave someone access to my book. If he had probed further, he might have discovered something wrong with me at that particular time. 

Clarity in writing also shows a brilliant mind, or,its opposite. Therefore, this tip will not only help in writing, but also in thinking. Actually, sometimes they’re one and the same. 

Step one: Join a conversation 

Step two: State whether you agree or disagree or agree with a difference 

Step three:Give reasons why you disagree or agree: Reason 1,  Reason 2, Etc. 

Examples. I’ll provide two examples. The first shows how to disagree and the second one shows how to agree. 

1. Disagreeing 

Step one: “Many people have condemned those who are defending ex-Governor BabangidaAliyu over his corruption case with the EFCC.”

Step two: “I don’t agree that these people should be condemned.”

Step three: “Following are my reasons for disagreeing. One, those unfortunate folk deserve our pity not condemnation. Consider for example, if someone broke into your house and stole the money you were going to use to feed your family, pay school fees and underwrite your grandmother’s surgery, yet you discouraged the police from recovering the loot after they caught the thief. If you find yourself in this situation, you’re either a saint or a complete moron. Two …”

2. Agreeing 

Step one: “The trending topic has been the current investigation of former Gov. BabangidaAliyu and whether those who are still supporting him deserve to be condemned.”

Step two: “I agree with those who condemn the supporters of this wicked man.”

Step three: “Following are my reasons. One, if you still support this degenerate politician, you’re likely to have the same cruel constitution.Two, the supporters are encouraging the incumbent leaders and the future ones that no matter how much they steal and how poorly they perform, they would be forgiven.  Three, they are brothers of Satan. The Qur’an says so. It says those who waste resources are friends of Shaitan. And that Satan is a disbeliever in his Lord.  So what do you call the supporters of the brothers of Satan?”

You get the point? Of course there are many ways of writing a persuasive essay. However, this one does not only work, but it also gives clarity to your thinking.


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