Beauty: Staying glamorous while pregnant

A pregnant woman’s body undergoes so many changes such as swollen feet, oily skin, swollen face, enlarged tummy (due to foetal increase), hormonal outburst etc.  All these can make a woman feel unhappy about herself. While pregnant, you can still look glamorous and feel good about yourself. Do not let the ‘baby blues’ banish your […]

Beauty: Staying glamorous while pregnant

A pregnant woman’s body undergoes so many changes such as swollen feet, oily skin, swollen face, enlarged tummy (due to foetal increase), hormonal outburst etc.  All these can make a woman feel unhappy about herself.

While pregnant, you can still look glamorous and feel good about yourself. Do not let the ‘baby blues’ banish your happiness.


 How can you achieve this?

Wear beautiful, comfortable clothes & shoes: Remember that your looks in your pre-pregnant period is different from your pregnancy looks.

 As a result, clothes you could wear prior to your pregnancy would not ‘fit’ your body when you become pregnant.

Therefore, loose but fashionable gowns are the way to go during pregnancy. This should be accompanied with adorable flat shoes/slippers so that you don’t lose your balance while walking.

Being pregnant doesn’t mean you can’t look good (though sometimes the urge to look ‘plain’ sets in more often than not). In other words, style your bump.

Drink lots of water: Remaining hydrated is a good way to feel glam during pregnancy. It prevents depression, hormonal outburst; it gives your skin a nice glow. It also helps to rid your system of any toxins in it.

 Eat a balanced diet: The importance of a balanced meal during pregnancy cannot be overemphasized. This is because a pregnant woman’s diet has a very important role to play during this phase as it gives the baby all the necessary nutrients needed to make it develop.

 It also helps the mother to remain healthy and strong and assist the pregnant woman maintain their beautiful skin.

Regular exercises add to your glam look: One way you can enhance your glamorous looks is by going for regular walks for about 30 minutes to an hour. This would help in enhancing your look as it would prepare your body properly for your baby’s arrival.

 Dancing is also another recommended form of regular exercise that would help keep your body in order as it would burn off excess weight before delivery.

Other ways you can have regular exercises is sitting on birthing balls (for pelvic exercises) and swimming.