Beef up unity to protect Islamic identity, says security expert

Well-orchestrated attempts are being made globally to erode Islamic identity but these can be foiled if Muslim countries strengthen their unity, according to a Turkish security expert. Murat Aslan, who teaches at Turkey’s Hasan Kalyoncu University, talked about Turkey’s growing relations with Asian countries, rising global cultural clashes and how countries such as Malaysia and […]

Beef up unity to protect Islamic identity, says security expert

Well-orchestrated attempts are being made globally to erode Islamic identity but these can be foiled if Muslim countries strengthen their unity, according to a Turkish security expert.

Murat Aslan, who teaches at Turkey’s Hasan Kalyoncu University, talked about Turkey’s growing relations with Asian countries, rising global cultural clashes and how countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia can help in developing mechanisms to promote Islamic unity.

Touching on Islamophobia in certain parts of the world, he said these are organised attempts to target Muslims in “high-value” geographies, which include Malaysia’s neighbourhood as well as the energy-rich Middle East and Africa.

“Indonesia and Malaysia are located in a strategic region. The Middle East has energy resources. Others are trying to divide Islamic societies, so we must have a coordinated strategy to use our geopolitical advantage. We have to mobilise our resources so that we do not suffer erosion in our identity,” Aslan said.

Unfortunately, he said, in some parts of the Arab region, power struggles, conflicts, social suppression, tribalism and internal divisions are causing discord instead of forging cooperation. (