Beneficial acts to sustain in Rabi’ al Awwal

Recite and listen to the Qur’an on a daily basis – One of the best ways to get closer to Allah and His Messenger (pbuh) is the words of Allah Almighty. A bit a day, keeps the devil at bay. Unfortunately, some of us do not even read our prayers, let alone think about the […]

Beneficial acts to sustain in Rabi’ al Awwal
Beneficial acts to sustain in Rabi’ al Awwal

Recite and listen to the Qur’an on a daily basis – One of the best ways to get closer to Allah and His Messenger (pbuh) is the words of Allah Almighty. A bit a day, keeps the devil at bay. Unfortunately, some of us do not even read our prayers, let alone think about the Qur’an. Start today! Improve your recitation, learn Tajwid. The Beloved Prophet (pbuh) loved to listen to the Qur’an. If you do not read, at least listen to it.
Learn about the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) – Did you know that he once went to a wedding party and fell asleep? Did you know he on occasion kept his hair braided into four? Read the biography of the Beloved Messenger (pbuh). Learn about his character, traits, sayings, and actions.
Listen to the Messenger (pbuh) – Listening is key. A great deal changes through listening. We need to ask ourselves, do we actually listen to the words of our Messenger? Traditions (Hadith) carry in them a pathway to our Prophet but also a pathway into our inner dimensions. Self understanding. Find one that speaks to you, keep reading it until it permeates you such that you implement it. I’ll give the first one, “Paradise lies beneath the feet of your mothers”,  Imam Ahmad.
Share the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) with humanity – We have kept him to ourselves and our prayer beads. If you really love him, translate that “love into a language heard by the deaf and actions seen by the blind.” – Usama Canon.
Increase your salutations and blessings upon him (Durud/Salawat/Salaam) – You should try to increase these prayers and blessings as much as you can. This is a real connector and love generator. In this there nothing but gain after gain.
Remember those less fortunate – Feed the homeless, do a soup kitchen, collect food for a foodbank, donate to shelters, get active with a cause, hand out roses, be creative. Do it all in the name of the Beloved Prophet, pbuh.
Go into your local Mosques or organisations and help them! – Find out if they need volunteers, and find out what they are struggling with. If you can help them, help them, if not find out who you can.
May Allah grant us Tawfiq. Ameen.