Benue Links workers fault proposed sale of transport company

The state government had two weeks ago put up 25 of its public assets classified as moribund

Benue Links workers fault proposed sale of transport company

Workers under a branch of the Amalgamated Union of Public Corporations, Civil Service Technical and Recreational Services Employees (AUPCTRE) in Benue State have faulted the proposed sale of the state’s owned transport company, Benue Links.

The workers also appealed to Governor Samuel Ortom not to sell the property which, according to them, has continued to prosper under the existing Public Private Partnership (PPP) arrangement.

The state government had two weeks ago put up 25 of its public assets classified as moribund for outright sale or concessions including the transport company known as Benue Links.

But, the AUPCTRE Benue Links branch rising from its congress held in Makurdi, urged the state government to rescind its decision, saying the company had not at any time in its 33 years of existence under-performed.

In a communique signed by the Branch chairman, Fanafa Alexander, and Secretary, Comrade Tachia Gabriel, the union also noted that Benue Links Nig. Ltd is a limited liability company and was not meant to be a profit-making venture, stressing that its establishment law prohibits any invitation to the public to subscribe for shares or debentures.

“That the Congress rejects and opposes in its entirety the proposed sale, privatisation and commercialisation move by the state government. That the said Benue State council on privatisation and commercialisation under the law of 2010 No. 3 did not include Benue Links among those companies to be sold.

“The company presently accommodates over 300 members of staff on its pay roll, over 1600 leased vehicle drivers, over 200 organised loaders and a good number of traders/hawkers who earn their living on the company’s operations.

The union argued that if government had its way as intended, then the sale, privatisation and commercialisation of Benue Links would certainly push some members of staff into the already saturated labour market, thereby increasing the rate of unemployment and insecurity in the state.

The union further cited instances where the sale, privatisation and commercialisation of government owned companies in the state such as the  Benue Cement Company (BCC), Benue Brewery limited (BBL) and Benue Bottling Company had not yielded the desired result.

“In view of the above, congress prays that the state government through the council on privatisation and commercialisation of state enterprises to reverse the said intent and maintain the status-quo of the company,” the union pleaded.