Benue TV staff soaked in hot water seeks justice

When Mnena Akpera, an expert in film and television production, was invited as a consultant to render services in the newly established Benue Television, she never knew that a hard fate awaited her. She did not envisage that she would be battling to save her life in a hospital in Markudi. Daily Trust Saturday reports […]

Benue TV staff soaked in hot water seeks justice

When Mnena Akpera, an expert in film and television production, was invited as a consultant to render services in the newly established Benue Television, she never knew that a hard fate awaited her. She did not envisage that she would be battling to save her life in a hospital in Markudi. Daily Trust Saturday reports how her boss’s wife, out of jealousy, disfigured her with hot water.

Mnena Akpera, 26, a staff of the newly established Benue Television, is currently in pains at the Federal Medical Centre (FMC), Makurdi, after she was allegedly attacked with hot water by her boss’s wife, Mrs Faith Udende.

Our correspondent gathered that Faith, the wife of a principal special assistant to the Benue State governor on Information and Communication Technology (ICT), attached to the Benue Television, Jeff Udende, allegedly poured hot water on Mnena following suspicion that her husband was having an affair with her.

It was learnt that the incident happened in the family home of Udende in Makurdi, where the victim was said to be temporarily accommodated.

Narrating her ordeal in a hospital bed, Mnena, who came from Lagos, said she was engaged as a consultant in film and television production in the media organisation during the period of COVID-19 lockdown. She added that Mr Udende provided a temporary space for her in his father’s house to cut down the cost of hotel bills, pending when an accommodation would be sorted out for her.

“Mr Udende said the governor would soon release money for accommodation, and that I should just go to his family house and stay for the meantime. That was how I started staying in his house after he sought permission from his father and wife.

“After two weeks, his wife called me and said I should pack my things and leave the house, saying it is not every woman that would allow a lady to come into her matrimonial home,” she said.

Mnena Akpera, an expert in film and television production
Mnena Akpera, an expert in film and television production

According to Mnena, daughter of a former commissioner for environment in the state, following the woman’s hostility, fueled by her elder sister, Marvel Ademola, she expedited action looking for accommodation. She added that on the day of the incident, Udende’s sister-in-law came to her and made threatening statements.

“About 10pm, Jeff’s wife came upstairs and told me that I should pack my things and leave, but I told her it was already too late. I assured her that I would leave the house the next day. But she said she didn’t want me to sleep in the same house with her again.

“The woman began to rain abuses on me and subsequently slapped me. She hit me so hard that my head started banging. She followed me all around the room and later went out and locked the door.

“I went to the bathroom, took my bath, dressed up and packed my things, trying to leave. I had production the next day. When I went to open the door, I discovered that it was locked. She later came back, opened the door and poured hot water on my body and locked the door again.

“When I continued screaming, people outside tried to forcefully open the doors, but it was impossible. Jeff and other members of the house had to climb through a ladder to get me out. Because of the heat in the room, by that time my body had started peeling off.

Mnena Akpera, an expert in film and television production

“They started applying red oil and salt on my body until the police came and I was rushed to the hospital. Jeff actually came into the house when the incident started, but at that time his wife had already locked the door,” she narrated.

She continued, “The only mistake I made was not to go back when accommodation was not provided for me. I shouldn’t have compromised when accommodation was not given to me, all in the name of coming to serve my state. Now I am in the hospital where my skin has been peeled and I have to pass through pains every day.

“My name, which I have worked very hard for, has been tarnished. I have worked for a lot of companies and people. My breasts have been damaged. My hand has been battered.

“What I want is justice. This happened because of what Marvel Ademola told her sister. I don’t know what she told her, but the truth is that I don’t have any relationship with Mr Jeff Udende. I will never bring myself down to stay in a man’s matrimonial home or family house for no reason. I have never been with Jeff. He was just a colleague and boss. I don’t know where Faith is right now, but I heard she is roaming around freely.”

Commenting on the incident amidst tears, Mnena’s 49-year-old mother, Apostle Alice Akpera, said it took one whole hour for people to break the door and rush her daughter to the hospital.

“She told me that Jeff was supposed to pay for her accommodation this November.

“The incident was on Friday, October 30, 2020. I couldn’t sleep when I tried to figure out what the problem was. I still cannot sleep all through the night. About 12am she called me and was screaming. I prayed until daybreak. I got a text message at 4:30 am, stating ‘Mom, Jeff’s wife poured me hot water,” she narrated.

Mrs. Akpera added that by 6am she arrived at the Foundation Hospital, Makurdi, from where her daughter was transferred to the FMC on the order of Governor Samuel Ortom.

“I took time to ask her and she told me everything that happened. My daughter has no relationship with Jeff and can never do that. This is the story this woman (Faith) cooked up after pouring my child hot water to gain public favour on the social media.

“I even had to call some girls to find out the truth, but they told me that there was no relationship between them. They said Jeff’s sister in-law who works in the same establishment was jealous of Mnena because she is hardworking.

Mnena Akpera, an expert in film and television production

“I haven’t seen the woman, and no member of her family has shown up either. Her arrest was just like a minute with the police and she was set free. I want justice for my daughter,” she said.

When contacted on phone over the incident, Faith Udende, who is believed to be in Abuja presently, simply told our correspondent and two other journalists, “Sorry, I can’t talk about this issue. I don’t know whoever gave you this story.  This issue is closed down already, so there is no point of publishing anything about it’’ and switched off the call.

Similarly, her husband, Jeff, did not respond to calls and text messages to his mobile telephone.

The police public relations officer, Benue State Command, DSP Catherine Anene, confirmed the incident, saying the matter is under investigation.

Anene said, “A case of grievous hurt has been reported at E Division and is currently being investigated.’’

Daily Trust Saturday learnt that the Women for Peace Justice and Human Rights Initiatives (VVOPEJHURI) has taken up the matter. Acting as solicitors in a petition to the commissioner of police in Benue State, the group alleged an attempted murder of Miss Mnena Akpera by Mrs Faith Jeffery Udende, and therefore, demanded for prosecution of the offender.

“We are members of a charitable non-governmental organisation, VVOPEJHURI, and act as solicitors to Miss Mnena Akpera of Benue Television, Makurdi (hereinafter referred to as our client), on whose briefing, instructions and behalf we write, accordingly requesting that you use your good office and wade into the matter, with a view to arresting and preventing future occurrence of this dastardly act.

“Regrettably, Mrs Faith Jeffery Udende was arrested and unconditionally released within 48 hours, notwithstanding the grievous nature of the offence, while the victim (Miss Mnena Akpera) is battling with her deformed facial outlook in the hospital due to the effect of the hot water poured on her by Mrs Udende, who often boasted that as long as she lived, the victim would remain incarcerated,” they stated in a letter.

In the letter, signed by the organisation’s national coordinator, Toh Sewuese Lynda and secretary, Jolaade Falada, the women argued that while it is not in dispute that the police are entitled to grant administrative bail to deserving suspects, it had become necessary that an administrative bail can be revoked where a suspect is not remorseful, as evidenced in the scenario where Mrs Udende is authoritatively boasting that the victim does not have the requisite capacity to activate the law against her; hence she is enjoying her freedom, unconditionally.