Best graduating poly student dies during sex

A Higher National Diploma (HNDI) student of civil engineering in The Polytechnic, Ibadan (Ibadan Poly), Igunu Oromidayo Daniel, on Monday, died during a sexual intercourse with his girlfriend simply identified as Aramide, a National Dipolma II (ND II) student of business administration of the same institution, in Apete, Ido Local Government Area of Oyo State. […]

Best graduating poly student dies during sex

A Higher National Diploma (HNDI) student of civil engineering in The Polytechnic, Ibadan (Ibadan Poly), Igunu Oromidayo Daniel, on Monday, died during a sexual intercourse with his girlfriend simply identified as Aramide, a National Dipolma II (ND II) student of business administration of the same institution, in Apete, Ido Local Government Area of Oyo State.

City & Crime learnt that the students who were earlier in school for their first-semester examination returned home when they learnt that the examination was postponed.

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Our correspondent further learnt that the late male student was forcefully separated from the unconscious female lover who is still at the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan.

Confirming the incident to City & Crime, spokesman the polytechnic, Alhaji Adewole Soladoye, said, “It is true and unfortunate. We sympathise with the family. Meanwhile the late Daniel was the best graduating student during his ND days. He lost his brother last week and he attended his burial on Sunday.

“He returned to school because of examination and died on Monday. We are not medical experts and we cannot say the reason responsible for his death. In the case of the lady in the hospital, we wish her quick recovery.

“We are aware that the medical experts are currently working to ensure she regains consciousness. The institution deeply regrets the unfortunate incident. As parents, we shall continue to give helpful advice to our students, and we want the parents to play their role too.”

Effort to get the response of the police spokesman, Adewale Osifeso, proved abortive as he did not pick calls or reply to messages sent to him.