Beyond conferences, workshops, seminars

To proffer solutions for problems is beyond organizing conferences, workshops or seminars, it is not about the roundtable discussions. Most of these forums take place in English. The son of a poor man is denied qualitative education to understand English, he lives in abject poverty where access to money is a big issue. Why not […]

Beyond conferences, workshops, seminars
Beyond conferences, workshops, seminars

To proffer solutions for problems is beyond organizing conferences, workshops or seminars, it is not about the roundtable discussions. Most of these forums take place in English. The son of a poor man is denied qualitative education to understand English, he lives in abject poverty where access to money is a big issue. Why not use our mother tongue for easy understanding? Instead of organizing these in hotels or event centers, there is need to organize them at the grassroots, in areas that are in need of awareness, where the message will go directly. Putting what was discussed in summits, workshops and conferences into our real lives will rekindle the thought of many young people and indeed shape their lives for a better future.  It is all about implementation and putting the reports of such occasions to practice.

Adnan Mukhtar Tudunwada, Kano. 

OGP Global Summit, another milestone for Kaduna State

The cheering news from Tbilisi, Georgia that Kaduna State has been globally recognized as a sub-national member of the Open Government Partnership is more than heartwarming to the people of the state, as Kaduna is making many feats and particularly for this singular recognition, it means that the dream of the governor to “make Kaduna great again” is gradually coming true.  The saying by Johann Von Goethe that “The best government is that which teaches us to govern ourselves” has no doubt resonated well with the Kaduna State of today.

Mukhtar Maigamo, Kaduna.

 PDP, our best hope

Hate it or love it, the PDP represents our best hope of ridding ourselves of unarguably the worst government we have ever had and as such, its affairs are of paramount importance to a lot of us. If President Buhari packs and heads back to Daura in 2019, it is most likely they made that happen. There is a very important need for the Southwest members to be brought under the umbrella and not only made to feel special but also to operate as a formidable entity. As things stand, the only thing anyone who is discontented with the Buhari government has to be hopeful for as far as the Southwest electorate goes is their tendency to vote purely on the strength of candidates presented and nothing else.

Umar Sa’ad Hassan, Kano

 Nigeria Air, National carrier or national scam?

Many Nigerians were excited with the news that the country was at last launching a “National carrier.”  “Nigeria Air” is not a national brand but a private company. It is a cabal brand being supported and promoted by the government. In summary, while across the world, national carriers are to the profit of the masses, in Nigeria, the government advertised carrier is a private business for the same ‘ol wealthy few. We will take back Nigeria from the greedy sleazy and slimy cabal.

Dr. Perry Brimah