Beyond the ballot box: Understanding the significance of local politics

To many people in democracies around the world, the electoral season is arguably the most important event in the year, an opportunity for citizens to exercise freedom of expression and elect a leader every four years. It comes as no surprise then that we often find ourselves attaching greater significance to national politics. With the […]

Beyond the ballot box: Understanding the significance of local politics

To many people in democracies around the world, the electoral season is arguably the most important event in the year, an opportunity for citizens to exercise freedom of expression and elect a leader every four years.

It comes as no surprise then that we often find ourselves attaching greater significance to national politics. With the removal of subsidy, and increased cost of living, Nigerians across the country have been forced to adapt their spending.

More than ever, the nation is in need of a strong, decisive leader who will make the necessary policy decisions to ease the burdens that people carry. 

National politics is indeed highly important in determining the future direction of the country, however, there is a consistent tendency to disregard the significance of local politics. There are many more opportunities for direct engagement in politics than voting once every four years.

An individual’s immediate community allows easy and direct exposure to the positive ways in which we can impact our day-to-day existence.

Local governments are the engines driving the provision of essential services like education, public safety, transportation, and sanitation. The potholes we dodge on our morning commute, the quality of education our children receive, and the safety of our neighbourhoods – these are all intimately tied to decisions made by local officials.

Unlike the distant figures of national politics, local politicians are often much more accessible to their constituents. Town hall meetings, community gatherings, and local elections provide ample opportunities for residents to engage directly with their elected representatives. Being forced to meet an active electorate base provides high incentives on a regular basis; this accessibility fosters a culture of accountability, where officials are held accountable for their actions and decisions.

Communities are as diverse as the individuals who comprise them, each with its own unique set of challenges and opportunities. Local governments, with their intimate understanding of these dynamics, are best positioned to develop policies and programmes tailored to address local needs. Whether it’s implementing traffic calming measures on a neighbourhood street or expanding access to affordable housing, local authorities can respond swiftly and effectively to the concerns of their constituents.

Local government leaders often better reflect the values of their communities compared to their national counterparts. This alignment fosters a sense of communal spirit as people identify with each other. It also provides an opportunity for citizens to express their political values by electing individuals who closely resonate with their views and aspirations for the country’s future. This fosters a sense of community consciousness and underscores the importance of cooperation.

Strong community ties and regular engagement in municipal politics often lead to greater trust in political institutions. Local governance resonates deeply within our lives, from the playgrounds where our children play to the streets we call home, shaping the essence of our communities.

By acknowledging the significance of local politics and actively participating in the democratic process at the grassroots level, we empower ourselves to shape a brighter future for all.

The youth in this country, particularly in the northeast, are especially vulnerable to the influence of bandits and terrorists. With limited opportunities to pursue education or develop skills, the government often treats insecurity in the North as a problem to be deferred to the next administration. This is a fundamental issue spanning every level of governance.

However, change always begins at the local level. It is imperative to set the next generation of Nigerian leaders on the right track now, and local engagement serves as a promising starting point.

Bureaucracy is considerably less of an issue in local politics while on the national level it halts progress of paramount importance. The widening ideological gap between political parties has made it increasingly difficult to find common ground and forge bipartisan solutions. Instead of engaging in constructive dialogue and compromise, politicians often resort to hyper-partisan rhetoric and zero-sum tactics, further deepening divisions and stalling legislative action.

Additionally, scandals, corruption, and perceived inefficacy are far more commonplace and difficult to resolve which inevitably breeds cynicism and disillusionment among citizens, leading to disengagement from the political process and apathy towards civic participation. Rebuilding trust and restoring faith in democratic governance requires transparency, accountability, and a renewed commitment to serving the public interest.

In governance there is always a tendency to only give attention to the biggest projects on the list. The biggest projects are also often the least sustainable ones in this country, past administrations enshrine a bill into law and succeeding governments eventually discontinue the project or place its completion on indefinite hiatus.

Corruption and bureaucracy complicate matters, especially where government interests conflict. Established institutional structures and bureaucratic processes within national governments can also resist change and innovation, making it challenging to adapt policies to emerging sustainability challenges or integrate new approaches effectively.

Thus, while national politics often garners significant attention, local politics holds paramount importance in shaping the daily lives and future trajectories of communities.

The proximity of local government to its constituents allows for more direct engagement and responsiveness to local needs, fostering a stronger sense of community consciousness and cooperation. Moreover, local governance influences critical aspects of community life, from education and infrastructure to environmental sustainability and public safety.

By recognising the significance of local politics and actively participating in the democratic process at the grassroots level, individuals can empower themselves to effect meaningful change and create a brighter future for their communities.


Ibrahim resides in Abuja


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