Biden lifts travel ban on Nigeria, Sudan, Tanzania, others

President Joe Biden on Wednesday lifted the travel restriction the Trump administration had Placed on country including Nigeria, Sudan, Eritrea, Tanzania, among others.

Biden lifts travel ban on Nigeria, Sudan, Tanzania, others

U.S President, Joe Biden

President Joe Biden on Wednesday lifted the travel restriction the Trump administration had placed on countries including Nigeria, Sudan, Eritrea, Tanzania, among others.

The order also ended blocked entry to most people from Iran, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and North Korea.

On Wednesday the president signed 15 executive orders including two agency actions.

Biden condemned the ban as an attack on racial and religious minorities.

The president directs the “State Department to resume visa processing for those countries and develop a plan to address people affected, such as those who were denied entry to the U.S”.

The move is part of an aggressive push to roll back some of the most controversial actions of his predecessor and chart a new course for the nation.

The former president, Donald Trump had placed restrictions on travel and immigration from some predominantly Muslim countries.

Trump’s central 2016 campaign promises were to crack down on immigration and limit the number of Muslims coming to the U.S.

The travel ban has been devastating especially to those who have families in the US and worsened health care crisis especially as a shortage of doctors intensified in rural America.