Birnin Gwari: Once peaceful but gradually turning to crime zone

Birnin Gwari is one of the Local Governments in Kaduna State endowed with both human and other natural resources. Most people residing there are farmers who cultivate crops in commercial quantities.  For any place in the world to enjoy economic and social development, peace must reign, the level of criminalities must be low and the […]

Birnin Gwari: Once peaceful but gradually turning to crime zone

Birnin Gwari is one of the Local Governments in Kaduna State endowed with both human and other natural resources. Most people residing there are farmers who cultivate crops in commercial quantities. 

For any place in the world to enjoy economic and social development, peace must reign, the level of criminalities must be low and the environment needs to be favourable for business to thrive.

For years, insecurity ranging from kidnapping, mass killings, damaging crops at farms, cattle rustling, ethnoreligious conflicts have become major threats to the town, impeding its speedy development and peaceful coexistence among the inhabitants.

Birnin Gwari is known for cheap agricultural products because there is a farmer in every household but nowadays even going there to buy foodstuff is like throwing oneself into a blazing fire.  The people are no longer sleeping with their two eyes closed as bandits come at will to kidnap the unlucky ones.

For Birnin Gwari to regain its lost peace, there is a need for all to put aside their religious, ethnic and other differences and help security agencies by exposing the criminals among them. Security personnel, on their part, should ensure the protection of their informants.

Both Kaduna State and the federal governments should double their efforts in increasing the number of security personnel in the troubled areas; local vigilantes should be provided with weapons to flush out bandits because they know the terrain well.

Our legal system needs to ensure that anyone arrested for banditry is prosecuted and punished severely.

Mukhtar Garba Kobi wrote from Bauchi