Blame PC

What we need to know is that the IG has mustered the political courage to arrest the monster called Political Conflict, a.k.a. PC and that he won’t mistake it for police constable. The monster has a lot to answer for. This discovery reminds me of Christana Rosetti’s Mr Nobody. Political Conflict is Jones’ funny little […]

Blame PC
Blame PC

What we need to know is that the IG has mustered the political courage to arrest the monster called Political Conflict, a.k.a. PC and that he won’t mistake it for police constable. The monster has a lot to answer for. This discovery reminds me of Christana Rosetti’s Mr Nobody. Political Conflict is Jones’ funny little man who does all the mischief in our country today. There are myriads – lack of political vision or direction should be blamed on PC. Sinking over $30 billion in search of electricity and ending up with Berger generating sets to keep Aso Rock fans running is the fault of PC. Fuel scarcity, paralyzing life in the 6th major oil producing nation is the fault of PC.

Like a phantom, PC has tied the hands and feet and brains of all political appointees; locking them up and throwing the keys in the polluted effluents of the creeks of Otuoke. It is responsible for government’s decision to elevate corruption into a directive principle of state policy. It is responsible for all the conflicts that have plagued this country, from the greed induced crisis in the Naija-Delta; the pollution of its waters, the brigandage that recruited young people for the destruction of their own communities. PC is to be blamed for the apartheid instituted by multinationals lighting little villages with flared gas while electric bulbs glow in gated houses of the oil chiefs and their lackeys just nearby. It is to be blamed for the use of antiquated paraffin lamps in 70% of villages 52 years after independence.

PC has infected the brains of our state governors who take monthly allocation only to jet to London, New York of Dubai in search of conferences while civil servants are implored to wait for their promotions. Who shall we blame but PC for the gullies we call roads and the spilled blood we use to smoothen them daily? We should blame PC for the lopsided appointments that make some citizens worse than second-class in their own states.

If Obasanjo had arrested PC, he would have built houses in Abuja instead of the decayed stadium that blew less than six months after it was erected. Yar’adua would have concluded the Abuja-Lokoja highway before he died. The FCT minister would have improved infrastructure rather than naming existing ones after the first family and chasing after prostitutes patronised by his tenants. With PC safely under lock and key, we should be close to finding the panacea to Boko Haram, kidnapping, armed robbery and house breaking?  We should ask PC who helped it hack into the SSS database jeopardizing the lives serving and retired officers. May God punish PC for allowing the PDP damage Naija for every season of the first 13 of its 60 year misrule. Let us advocate the death sentence for PC for all the deaths associated with President Jones’ loss of the cylinder of fresh air.

PC must have befogged the brain of the man who severed parts of Naija and ceded it to Cameroon without firing a gun but ordered the destruction of Odi and Zaki Biam for no apparent reason. What shall we say about PC destroying Naija’s tertiary institutions and paving the way for expensive privately run schools and the exodus to Ghana. When PC entered the National Assembly it failed to make lawmaking outside budgets their doctrine of necessity and transformed it into a centre of scandals and graft. PC destroyed Mpape and distributed the land to political big-wigs as if the rich don’t need the poor to live and thrive.

Thus far, PC has escaped the radars of Naija’s the security forces. What shall we say about how PC has destroyed the prestige of our national awards, ignoring hardwork and rewarding vagabonds. Above all, PC has totally screwed the heads of those in government; is responsible for hospitals that cannot treat food poisoning; the reason President Jones fails to obey court orders. Now that PC has been identified and exposed let us hope that we can sentence him to death by dismembering it and sending its sorry parts to every nook and cranny of this nation. Just to make sure that the ghost of PC does not return to haunt this government and our country, ever again! As they say in some Pentecostal circles, PC, what are you waiting for? Die! Die! Die! die!

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