Blessings of a blessed month

Alhamdu lillah, we are getting on with this year’s Ramadan fast in spite of the heatwave and inflation that are still putting Nigerians under intense pressures. By sunset today, Muslims in Nigeria would have put six days of the month-long Ramadan behind them. The more, however, unfavourable weather and economic conditions are endured in Ramadan, […]

Blessings of a blessed month

blessings of a blessed month

Alhamdu lillah, we are getting on with this year’s Ramadan fast in spite of the heatwave and inflation that are still putting Nigerians under intense pressures. By sunset today, Muslims in Nigeria would have put six days of the month-long Ramadan behind them. The more, however, unfavourable weather and economic conditions are endured in Ramadan, the more a fasting Muslim in Ramadan is spiritually elevated through special blessings that are exclusive only to Ramadan.

For example, a  Muslim is forgiven the sins he committed between two Ramadans if he observed each Ramadan fast with sincere faith. During Ramadan, Muslims enjoy the benefit of their prayers being granted when breaking the fast at sunset. The early morning meal (Sahur) taken at dawn keeps a devoutee awake and thus provides the opportunity to engage in diverse acts of worship including standing in prayers at night (tahajjud) as well as observing the obligatory prayer of Subhi in congregation.

Like Friday among days of the week, Ramadan is a special month among the twelve months in a year. It is in the month of Ramadan that a night greater in value than a thousand ordinary nights is found. That is the night of power, mentioned as Laylat ul-Qadr in the Qur’an. Only in this month, too, are Tarawih prayers observed. Also, Imam Bukhari relates on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (RA) that the Prophet (SAW) said, “when the month of Ramadan begins, the gates of the heaven are opened while the gates of Hell remain closed and the devils are chained.” Indeed, Ramadan is the best of times in the life of a Muslim. Ramadan fast is so special that Allah,  Himself, gives the reward for it.

On every night of the month of Ramadan, Allah  commands: ‘Where are those asking for my forgiveness? I’ve forgiven them; where are those who have repented? I’ve pardoned them; and for those who have demands, I’ve granted their requests’. Ramadan is always full of virtuous occasions. It is a period for believers to purify themselves and seek divine intervention in matters that trouble their peace and wellbeing. Ramadan is a month of mercy during which prayers of devotees are specially answered. Allah (SWT) in Qur’an 2:186 affirms, ‘When my servants ask thee concerning me, I am indeed close (to them). I listen to the prayer of every supplicant when he calls on me: let them also with a will, listen to my call and believe in me: that they may walk in the right way’.

There are several other benefits, spiritual and medical, that make Ramadan fast unique. The physiological benefits of fasting include lowering of blood sugar and cholesterol. Medical experts say Ramadan fast could be an ideal recommendation for the treatment of mild to moderate non-insulin diabetes and obesity. While certain groups of Muslims due to some health reasons are exempted from Ramadan fast including ulcer patients and pregnant women, fasting has in no way been noted to harm the condition of a healthy person. Although we do not observe prayers for the purpose of exercise, mild movement of the joints during long hours of tarawih or tahajjud prayers could be a form of physical drill that can help to keep the body fit.

The psychological benefits of Ramadan fast include peace and tranquility for those who observe it sincerely. Hostility is forestalled as Muslims are advised by the Prophet (SAW) to say ‘I am fasting’ when provoked by another person’s words or actions. Fasting also guides a Muslim to remain pure and righteous during Ramadan as he abstains from telling lies. The Prophet Mohammad (SAW) has warned, ‘If one does not stop telling lies, Allah has no need of his giving up food and drink (i.e., fasting)’.

Fasting promotes detoxification. The liver, kidneys and other organs in the body help in discharging toxins. Fat is substantially burnt during fasting especially when it is over a period of time as in Ramadan. During fasting, the digestive organs also rest; helping to maintain balance of fluids in the body. Fasting is equally said to reduce blood sugar.

Health wise, fasting furthers healthy diet. It reduces the rate of craving for processed foods. It promotes desire for natural foods, especially water and fruits. This is one way by which fasting promotes healthy lifestyle. When individuals take fruits to break a fast, they increase the body’s store of essential vitamins and minerals. Vitamins A and E are good antioxidants that are readily available in fruits, which help to boost immunity.

Ramadan fast in Islam is different from fasting under medical instructions because in Ramadan, there is no malnutrition or inadequate calorie intake. Ramadan fast is not a prescription from a physician. Moreover, the types of food taken during Ramadan do not have any selective dietary criteria such as restricting a devoutee to go on protein only or fruit only. In Ramadan, everything that is permissible (halal) is taken by Muslims but in moderate quantities.

Ramadan fast has the capacity to also help addicts to overcome their bad habits, which may include addiction to cigarette smoking, drugs, alcohol, caffeine and other health threatening substances. Although there could be other routines required to resolve addictions, fasting can yet play a significant role.

To further maximise our reaping from the blessings of Ramadan, Muslims are enjoined to use this sacred period to exhibit the virtues of tolerance, hospitality, charity and kindness, especially to the indigent members of the society. Let us give alms, feed the poor and invite others, including non-Muslims to break the fast with us. While we encourage Muslims to take advantage of all the spiritual opportunities availed by Ramadan in order to benefit from its blessings, we pray that Allah  puts us among those to be forgiven their sins, big and small, in the first ten days of this blessed month of Ramadan, amin.