Book on Ibibio culture set for launch

The book, “Ibibio Nation – History and Culture” which will reveal the origin, culture and beliefs and distinctive peculiarities of the Ibibios, acclaimed to be the fourth largest tribe in Nigeria is set to be unveiled soon. The book, written by Oto-Obong Aniefiok Uwah, will be publicly presented on March 25 in Uyo. How NSCDC […]

Book on Ibibio culture set for launch

The book, “Ibibio Nation – History and Culture” which will reveal the origin, culture and beliefs and distinctive peculiarities of the Ibibios, acclaimed to be the fourth largest tribe in Nigeria is set to be unveiled soon.

The book, written by Oto-Obong Aniefiok Uwah, will be publicly presented on March 25 in Uyo.

Speaking on the launch, the Director of Ibom Heritage, Mr Ottoabasi Abasiekong, said the book contains historical facts about the Ibibio people that will add to already existing knowledge on Ibibio history and culture. 

Abasiekong explained that the ‘book of Ibibio historiography and culture studies’ is made up of two sections, and has its foreword written by emeritus Professor of Cultural Anthropology and Culture, Ekong Edem Ekong (OFR).