DSS arrests Tukur Mamu at Kano airport

The publisher of Desert Herald and top negotiator with bandits that attacked the Kaduna-bound train, Tukur Mamu, has been arrested and whisked away from the Kano international airport.

DSS arrests Tukur Mamu at Kano airport

Operatives of the Department of State Services (DSS) have picked up Tukur Mamu at Malam Aminu Kano International Airport in Kano.

Daily Trust had reported how Mamu was arrested in Cario, capital of Egypt, and flown back to Nigeria.

The former negotiator between the terrorists who abducted train passengers in Abuja and victims’ families, had said he was headed for Saudi Arabia when he was arrested and detained in Egypt for 24 hours.

Daily Trust observed that the Egypt Air aircraft, which conveyed him and his family members, touched down in Kano around 1:55pm.

DSS operatives were stationed at the entrance of the international wing of the airport several minutes before the aircraft landed.

Heavily armed operatives who were also in company of others dressed in mufti, were on guard at the entrance of the arrival section of the international wing while the three vehicles – two Hilux and one Hiace – with Kano number plates parked by the entrance.

Soon as passengers began to come out from the arrival section, one of the Hilux moved forward while the luggage, presumably of Mamu and his family members, were loaded in one of the vehicles.

The two vehicles later moved forward and the Hiace bus moved into the tarmac area before later zooming off.

Mamu and his family were conveyed in the Hiace bus after they were apprehended by entrance of the aircraft.

A brother to the embattled negotiator confirmed that Mamu and his family had indeed been arrested and were being taken to Abuja.

A source at the DSS Abuja office also confirmed to Daily Trust that Mamu had indeed been arrested.