Brig Gen Aminun-Kano Maude (Rtd) PhD

Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun. Brigadier General Aminun-Kano is no more. He died in Abuja on Friday, November 8, 2019, when he succumbed to the illness that had ravaged him and kept him out of circulation for about 18 months in Dubai. Allahu Akbar. Kullu Nafsin Zaikatul Maut. “Every soul shall taste death.” And […]

Brig Gen Aminun-Kano Maude (Rtd) PhD

Brig Gen Aminun-Kano Maude (Rtd) PhD

Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun. Brigadier General Aminun-Kano is no more. He died in Abuja on Friday, November 8, 2019, when he succumbed to the illness that had ravaged him and kept him out of circulation for about 18 months in Dubai. Allahu Akbar. Kullu Nafsin Zaikatul Maut. “Every soul shall taste death.” And so it was with Aminu.

Aminun-Kano was not a silver spoon brat. He was from a humble family in Kano, and was indeed a self-made man that practically pulled himself up by the bootstraps; so to speak.

As a child, Aminu was enrolled in an Islamiya with all his siblings like all other children in his neighbourhood. Young Aminu often accompanied his father on business trips outside, especially to Zaria, where he got attracted to western education, to which he insisted to be enrolled. Thus Aminu became a foster child to one Alhaji Maude in Zaria, a close friend and senior business partner of his dad, solely for the purpose of getting western education.

After primary education in Tudun Wada, Zaria, Aminu got admitted into the famous Nigerian Military School (NMS), Zaria, with the 1972 set, where he became noticeable for his diminutive statue, discipline and “stubborn” disposition. He was the quintessential model student for his discipline; neat and committed to studies. Aminu was a delight to the authorities, for he was never found wanting or unserious in either studies or military duties.

At NMS, Aminu developed a rather stand-alone personality. It was easier to find him in the library than elsewhere. It was, therefore, only logical that he rose to become Boy Staff Sergeant and the school’s chief librarian, in addition to being a member of the school’s band.

With time, Aminu developed a very formal personality with rather strong convictions on, and passion for, nearly everything he fancied.

When he graduated from NMS in 1976, Aminu chose going to the School of Basic Studies (SBS) of the Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria, despite his admission into the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA). He later got a BSc in accountancy, and was later commissioned into the Army Finance Corps.

Lieutenant Aminun-Kano was among other newly commissioned ex-NMS boys into the finance corps who formed the nucleus that transformed the corps into a standard modern finance department.

Here again, Aminu stood out, more so in his very privileged position as a Chief Finance Officer (CFO). The position exposed him to a network of contacts both within and outside the army. He handled his assignment with his characteristic straight face and firmness, fairness and competence to the satisfaction of his commanders.

Of course not everyone within the corps, or even without, would be comfortable with the “oversized” position or the influence he wielded, more so with his seeming strictness and ethical standard and style. Thus along the line he accumulated ill-feelings from some people, just as he enjoyed goodwill from others, in the various finance units and formations he served all over the country, thus whenever he got into some “trouble”, the goodwill tended to get him out.

However, this got to a head in the obvious power play in the corps where Aminu was “unfairly” denied and edged out of the headship of the Army Finance School. Other issues seemed to have further fueled the controversy which culminated in a court martial trial and his conviction, which both the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court subsequently set aside in his favour. This forced the army to reinstate him and restore him to his rank of brigadier general.

This landmark case: “Brig. Gen. Aminun-Kano vs Nigerian Army”, has become a reference in Nigerian Law Reports.

Nearly everybody dissuaded him from the legal battle, but Aminu’s doggedness in the face of apparent injustice eventually proved him right.

However, behind this rather controversial personality was a discreetly kind, helpful and very deeply generous spirit that touched the hearts, minds and lives of many people. This is evident in the finance corps where he had mentored a generation of the younger ones that came across him, and in who he still enjoys the arguable reverence of a legend. It was perhaps the same effect he had outside the military. The crowd at his funeral was enough testimony in this regard.

His statue, rather leftist opinions, and branded name gave him the aura and myth of aristocracy, which he perfectly understood and grew into.

Aminu’s childhood love and quest for education extended throughout his life. Not long after his deployment into the finance corps, he enrolled for and obtained an MSc in Accounting and Finance from ABU, and further capped it with a PhD in the same field and from the same institution. This obvious academic investment became very handy in retirement for him as he seamlessly transited into the academia as a senior lecturer in accounting in NDA, ABU and the Kaduna State University (KASU). He was also among others a director in Keystone Bank transition management team and a member of the Presidential Arms Probe Committee.

In Aminu, we have lost a great mind. We will miss him for a long time to come. May Allah have mercy on him and forgive his sins and shortcomings. May Allah generously reward his good deeds and grant him abode in aljanna firdausi. May Allah continue to strengthen his entire family with the fortitude to continue to bear this loss. May Allah bless each one of them, unify them, guide them aright and protect and provide for them in the difficult times ahead. It is also incumbent on his three wives and the 15 children he left behind to jealously keep his legacy intact. And when it is our time and turn, may Allah bless our respective exits with the reward of aljanna firdausi, ameen.

Abdullahi Dan-Asabe


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