#Bringback our boys

The spate of insecurity in Nigeria, most especially in the north western part of the country is no longer news. Nigeria is gradually sliding into anarchy with the daily disturbing news of deaths and destruction. The news of the abduction of more than 400 students came as a big shock to many Nigerians. Insurgents attack […]

#Bringback our boys

FILE PHOTO: Parents in front of GSSS Kankara, Katsina State

The spate of insecurity in Nigeria, most especially in the north western part of the country is no longer news.

Nigeria is gradually sliding into anarchy with the daily disturbing news of deaths and destruction. The news of the abduction of more than 400 students came as a big shock to many Nigerians.

It is public knowledge that governments have failed to give citizens the much needed and required education but what is more worrisome now is their inability to even secure the dilapidated, poorly furnished and understaffed schools.

In a sane society, heads would have rolled by now because of this national tragedy but, as usual, our government will come out to express shock and condemn the act by bandits and everything will go quiet until another tragedy happens

The federal government must move quickly to ensure the safe return of all the abducted students.

Dauda Haruna Tula