British Muslims clarifies position on Flu Vaccines

The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) has denied a Daily Telegraph report that the council has ‘ruled’ flu vaccines for children to be forbidden in Islam. The council in a statement said that the newspaper also said that ‘Muslim parents across the country have been told that the Fluenz spray is not permitted because it […]

British Muslims clarifies position on Flu Vaccines

The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) has denied a Daily Telegraph report that the council has ‘ruled’ flu vaccines for children to be forbidden in Islam.

The council in a statement said that the newspaper also said that ‘Muslim parents across the country have been told that the Fluenz spray is not permitted because it contains gelatin derived from pigs, which are considered unclean.’

It however denied such, saying the Muslim Council of Britain does not and has never issued Islamic rulings, as that is the job of scholars who have a diversity of views.

“On flu vaccines, the MCB conveys the views of a diverse range of scholars: that vaccines containing porcine are not permitted in Islam unless lives are at risk and there are no alternatives. Our view is not that Muslims should automatically refuse such treatment. Health is paramount; anyone concerned about the use of gelatin in vaccines must consult a medical practitioner and make an informed decision.

“The MCB has, since its inception, campaigned to improve health in British Muslim communities. When this first became an issue of concern for many Muslim parents in 2014, the MCB facilitated a discussion between Public Health England, scholars, representatives from local and specialist Muslim groups,” the council said.

It said that in Scotland, concerns were addressed by the public health authorities agreeing to offer the alternative injectable vaccine to children whose parents did not wish to take the nasal spray vaccine.

The council said it understand that Public Health England has not considered offering the injectable vaccine to all children, but is doing so for children at risk.

It said, “In short, we have never advised against the flu vaccines but have sought clarity from health authorities so that parents can make informed choices. This was stated repeatedly to the Daily Telegraph. We will be referring the paper to IPSO in due course.