Buhari, what face of change?

Apart from the fact that we who live in the diaspora have had our rights of intervention in domestic matters questioned by Sai Babarians, there’s no let up in the embarrassing bungles of this government. By the time it goes through it’s second term, which it is more interested in than in serving the people, […]

Buhari, what face of change?
Buhari, what face of change?

Apart from the fact that we who live in the diaspora have had our rights of intervention in domestic matters questioned by Sai Babarians, there’s no let up in the embarrassing bungles of this government. By the time it goes through it’s second term, which it is more interested in than in serving the people, we could count on getting on our knees praying – nice time come back again. It’s now in our DNa to recycle rather than invent albeit leaving noxious carbon footprints.   

When we coined the adjective clueless in describing the locust years, we were obviously ahead of ourselves with grammar. This government is a bumbling bee of contradictions. It took it six months to give us ministers and the best we got were the likes of Solomon Dalung whose other name could have been Nabal. Not only is he notoriously clueless; he displays his lack of tact and incapacity to identify or learn from mistakes at every turn. 

Only those who are not students of history would wonder why a supposedly progressive government keeps serial disappointments. When the head shows nothing but contempt and disdain for sacred trust, he needs a jester to provide comic relief. President Jones had his own clowns. It was not at the collation centre that Godsday Orubebe displayed his first conduct unbecoming of a national servant. It was in handling Pastor Bakare’s group with an obvious bribe. A serious leader would’ve fired him to prevent a smear, but Jonathan kept him.  

He was not the only fly in Jonathan’s ointment, there was Abba Moro(n) who presided over a national scam that led to the death of nearly two dozen innocent citizens. Since resignation has no meaning for the scandalous behaviours of those in power, Jonathan ought to have fired the loony. He kept him and today while pensioners die on queue, the moron has taken home his severance pay. 

We seek to move forward only to engage the reverse gear. We now have a clown as sports minister. He dresses like a masquerade and talks like a wag. At Rio, before the whole world, he shamed a whole nation. If we paid his return trip, we ought to have let him return a private citizen. Whenever he opens his mouth, he vomits words with the IQ of an idiot. Plateau should consider itself lucky to have escaped this disaster because it deserves better. It should keep him as far away from Racecourse as the skies are from the earth.  

For a man who campaigned on the slogan of change, Sai Baba is a lemon that has lost its acidity. His SGF’s first words as he rushed to church exposed that he lacks tact and wisdom. He did not ask for either. Solomon did not go for thanksgiving, he asked for wisdom to make impact and that is what distinguishes him from the father after whom our own impostor is named. The scandals that have dogged him have rubbed off any illusions that Sai Baba is different from the pack. If the basis of keeping these deadwoods around him is that accused persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty by a court of law, then the essence of change and the touted anti-corruption stance is a mirage. A government is known by the conduct of its arrowheads as much as policy. 

If the president can prosecute a perjurer in the sinnate for unproven allegations because the rule of law and separation of powers prevents him from wielding the big stick, what prevents him from firing an embarrassing scribe now embroiled in weed control contracts? At least, get him to step down until he clears his name.  Babachir Lawal is not the only example of the Janus face of this regime, it’s double entendre showed a few months ago when the chief of defence was accused of buying choice property in Dubai, a fact now attributed to a snake farm and undisclosed business of his wives. Overnight a panel exonerated him of any wrongdoing.  

Surely the apple is not falling far from the tree. Buhari the candidate and president are many poles apart no matter how FIFA changes the rules. From being thrown out of a rented apartment, Mai Gaskiya publicly became a landlord hiding under CCB lacuna to drag his feet about declaring his assets. Our frugal landlord’s cows have not multiplied since he started his return journey to Aso Rock. Nobody would have denied Buhari the right to own property he ought to have come clean, ab initio. Thus far, we can only wait for what cans of worms and skeletons would surface whenever his cabal leads him to vacate his current camp. Our country deserves a government and leader it could hold to its promises.

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