Buhari’s double: Revisionists at work

Stick enough dirt and it will stick’. Apparently following this dictum, those who have been pushing the ‘Buhari double’ narrative have intensified their spinning, spreading it far and wide in the hope that it would stick as truth somewhere along the way if they persist with it. And some people are beginning to waver, beginning […]

Buhari’s double: Revisionists at work

Muhammadu Buhari

Stick enough dirt and it will stick’. Apparently following this dictum, those who have been pushing the ‘Buhari double’ narrative have intensified their spinning, spreading it far and wide in the hope that it would stick as truth somewhere along the way if they persist with it. And some people are beginning to waver, beginning to ask themselves whether this is not true after all.

It started in the social media as a joke of some sort, gained traction there, even assumed a life of its own there. Then, it was catapulted to the conservative media, thereby forcing those who were initially uninterested to pay attention to it. In fact it is now the talk of town at pepper soup joints, beer parlours, majalisas. The purveyors talk about it with some kind of relish accompanied with wry smiles as though they derive some joy from it. Let us even assume that it is a fact. Is it something we should gloat over, laugh our heads over in childish pranks? Should it not rather engender sober reflection and muffled amazement about its dire consequences for our country, if it is indeed true?

In gleefully and loudly talking about it, one cannot but conclude that these people who can rightly be called anti-Buharists are people that had been wishing Mr. President death and to wit, enemies of Nigeria. They outline some ten reasons as ‘proof’ of their weird narrative that the present occupant of Aso Villa is not the President Muhammadu Buhari we had all been accustomed to since June 2015 but a certain Jibril from Sudan who after undergoing extensive plastic surgery is being passed off as Mr. President. They say Mr. President is shorter now, now wears glasses, has a different ear lobe, hardly removes his cap in public because whenever he removes it, we shall see that his head is different, his wife hardly sees him, etc.  In this digital age we are aware that photographs and even videos can be manipulated. So the fact that there are photographs to ‘prove’ their point does not make it true. Gone are the days when we were told that pictures do not tell lies. Pictures and videos do indeed tell lies in this era of artificial intelligence et al. Perhaps the most audacious of these anti Buharists narrative is their claim that the Prime Minister of Britain wrote a condolence message to Nigeria over the alleged death of Buhari

That is what they bandy at pepper soup joints and beer parlours but on their referenced site is a photo of the Queen of England, purportedly writing a condolence letter with the quoted words displayed. However, the question is: can the queen or prime minister write a condolence letter on death of a president or head of state without the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reporting it? Indeed can the alleged death of the president of the world’s most populous black nation be shielded from the whole world, particularly in an advanced democratic nation as Britain where it is purported to have happened?  They say that Britain was bribed to keep quiet over the affair. Is civilised and rich Britain as corrupt as poor, developing countries like ours that it would do anything for money? What about the wikileaks of this world – organisations that are focused on unearthing government and personal secrets? Why have they not spilled the beans as a scoop?  I can well imagine that the government has not officially responded to this Buhari double narrative because it does not want to adorn this fairy tale with any modicum of respectability coming as it is, from quarters that never see anything good in Buhari or his government.

As outlandish as these claims are, they are still believed by some gullible and seemingly educated people. The ‘Buhari double’ tale should be discountenanced as false because it originates from a discredited source. Leaders and followers alike should at this time avoid hate speeches, pandering to sentiments of whatever kind and instead preach unity as we are one people united by God with a common destiny.

Victoria Ngozi Ikeano, Lafia, Nasarawa State