Building collapse guild inspect Lagos construction sites

The Local Government is known to harbour substandard building construction works of the local developers, especially in Ebute Metta area, where a three – storey building that was constructed by a developer  collapsed recently, killing some of the occupants.The team, led by the Lagos Mainland BCPG Coordinator, Mrs. Nike Lanre-Ladenegan carried out inspection on buildings […]

Building collapse guild inspect Lagos construction sites
Building collapse guild inspect Lagos construction sites

The Local Government is known to harbour substandard building construction works of the local developers, especially in Ebute Metta area, where a three – storey building that was constructed by a developer  collapsed recently, killing some of the occupants.
The team, led by the Lagos Mainland BCPG Coordinator, Mrs. Nike Lanre-Ladenegan carried out inspection on buildings under construction and the existing ones around Oyingbo and other parts of Ebute Metta.
At no. 20, Abeokuta Street in Ebute Metta, a dilapidated three- storey building was being renovated without any structural drawings. Some columns (pillars) in the building were being removed to create space in a conversion for a proposed school. No construction professional was supervising the activities. When a member of the guild talked to the owner of the building on phone, he denied knowledge of the renovation work. Yet, it was the residents in the area that alerted BCPG over this shoddy construction work.
In another compound on Abeokuta Street, excavation of the building foundation had commenced without approved building plan. However, the developer promised to suspend work and wait for the drawing to be approved by the state Ministry of Physical Planning and Urban Development.
At a site on Glover Street, a developer was advised to stop a raft foundation construction because of obvious technical problems. The only construction professional that the developer had on site was an unqualified architect. The developer thanked members of the guild for their prompt intervention that would save his project from a calamitous building collapse. He was a victim of quackery. Defective buildings were also discovered on Carter Street.
Responding to a question on enforcement challenges, the Mainland BCPG leader, Mrs.Lanre-Ladenegan hailed the Lagos State Building Control Agency (LASBCA) for its usual response to BCPG alerts.  “But the setback is that developers tend to continue with their shoddy works despite stop order given by LASBCA on some of the substandard sites previously identified by BCPG. Lagos State Government really needs to empower LASBCA to enable it enforces building regulations effectively.”