Building your self-worth

Self-worth is a psychological feeling that comes with having self-value. It is a feeling that results from having self-love and self-understanding. Self-worth gives an individual a feeling of belonging which makes one happy and happiness as we all know promotes healthy and prolonged life. Self-worth is what makes one not to judge oneself based on […]

Building your self-worth
Building your self-worth

Self-worth is a psychological feeling that comes with having self-value. It is a feeling that results from having self-love and self-understanding. Self-worth gives an individual a feeling of belonging which makes one happy and happiness as we all know promotes healthy and prolonged life. Self-worth is what makes one not to judge oneself based on others achievements or accomplishments.

Self-worth goes hand-in-hand with self-esteem which results to self-confidence. Self-worth builds self-esteem. With self-worth, one accepts oneself the way he/she was created, appreciate one’s existence, and value oneself. With all these in mind, building a high self-esteem becomes feasible. If a person lacks self-confidence or self-value, such person will always battle with low self-esteem which can lead to depression over time. Self-esteem is an individual’s inner evaluation of one’s worth.

In building self-worth, there are several things that can be done and they are of utmost importance. First and fore-most, know who you are. Knowing that you are from a certain background and you have a moral upbringing quite different from others which of course has to be in line with generally accepted norms and behaviour in the society is key.

Secondly, understand you are unique. Thirdly, is being confident in whatever you do. This is very important because lack of self- confidence might lead to inferiority complex. Inferiority complex is common especially when you are still growing up. Never think others are better than you and also never believe you are better than others. Everyone is useful in different ways.

The last but not the least is self-love and appreciation of oneself. Without love, the world will not be a conducive place to live in. Always appreciate who you are, as no one can appreciate you more than you do. Self-love is one way to build your self-worth.

Miss Susan Chioma Obasi, NYSC, FIRS, Abuja, [email protected]