Nigerian lawyer Bukarti makes senior associate at US thinktank

Bukarti took to social media to announcement his appointment

Nigerian lawyer Bukarti makes senior associate at US thinktank

Bulama Bukarti

The US thinktank Centre for Strategic and International Studies has announced a new senior associate – Bulama Bukarti.

Bukarti took to social media to announcement his appointment, tweeting on his handle, “Thrilled to announce my appointment as Senior Associate (Non-Resident) by @CSIS. Looking forward to working with the Director of the Africa Program (@CSISAfrica), Judd Devermont (@JDevermont), a great man, and his fantastic team.

Bukarti is an analyst in the extremism policy unit of the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, where he focuses on violent extremist groups in sub-Saharan Africa, CSIS said on a dedicated page.

He has studied extremist groups in Africa for over a decade and has written many papers, commentaries, and op-eds on extremist groups’ history, ideology, and strategy; deradicalization and reintegration of former fighters; and response to Covid-19, including for Foreign Policy, the Independent, the Telegraph, CNN, the Council on Foreign Relations, Hudson Institute, the National, and War on the Rocks.

A trained lawyer, Bulama holds a degree in common and Islamic law as well as a master of laws degree.

He has taught law and jurisprudence, peace studies, and conflict resolution at Bayero University, Kano, and has practiced as a human rights and employment lawyer in his native Nigeria for half a decade.

He is currently a doctoral candidate at the School of Oriental and Africa Studies, University of London, where he is researching Boko Haram through the lens of laws of war.