Bumper harvest forces prices of foodstuff down in Taraba

Also, 100kg bag of newly harvested paddy rice is sold at N12, 000 as against N16,000 a few weeks ago…

Bumper harvest forces prices of foodstuff down in Taraba


Bumper harvest witnessed by farmers in Taraba State has forced down prices of foodstuff.

North East Trust finding revealed that farmers in the state have witnessed bumper harvest and as a result the prices of foodstuff like maize, rice, yam and cassava have come down.

A 100kg bag of newly harvested maize is now sold at between N9,000 and N15,000 while the old stock sells for N19,000 as against N23,000 a few weeks ago.

Similarly, a 100kg bag of cassava flour that was sold for N20,000 is now N15,000. Also, the price of yam has come down by  about 60 per cent.

Also, 100kg bag of newly harvested paddy rice is sold at N12, 000 as against N16,000 a few weeks ago.

North East Trust correspondent reports that farmers across the state are excited over the bumper harvest they are witnessing as they smile to their banks.

A farmer in Zangon Kwambi,  Mallam Jalo Dauda, told North East Trust that he harvested 50 bags of maize in his farm where he harvested 40 bags last year.

Another farmer, Bello, said this harvest of this season  has doubled from what he realised last year.

He attributed the bumper harvest to early planting by farmers.

“We started planting early this farming season and the rain was not interrupted which resulted in high yield,” he said.

Bello said farmers defied threats  by kidnappers and embarked on farming activities this season.

He said they were lucky because of very low number of abductions this year.