Buni to commissioners: I’ll hold your feet to the fire

Yobe State Governor Mai Mala Buni yesterday swore in his commissioners and special advisers, stressing that he would expect nothing from them other than outstanding performance. He said he had personal confidence that as members of the state executive council and the special advisers whose counsel he would rely on, have the integrity, commitment and […]

Buni to commissioners: I’ll hold your feet to the fire
Buni to commissioners: I’ll hold your feet to the fire

Yobe State Governor Mai Mala Buni yesterday swore in his commissioners and special advisers, stressing that he would expect nothing from them other than outstanding performance.

He said he had personal confidence that as members of the state executive council and the special advisers whose counsel he would rely on, have the integrity, commitment and sense of purpose to prove every single day that his administration’s mantra of continuity, consolidation and innovation is fully on track.

He said: “But I have to say that as a system of government, our democracy does not depend on the goodwill or good assumptions or the good intentions of those in power alone. It depends on the law. And it depends on the hard work and patience and dedication of those in power to deliver.

“I’ll, therefore, hold your feet to the fire – those of you who were sworn into office today. I will expect nothing from you other than stellar performance. I will expect that you will use your experience, your creativity and your drive to help our administration achieves its purpose.”

He also told the new appointees that at all times, their loyalty, honesty, commitment and the delivery of their mandate practically and measurably are the gold standards with which they would be measured.

The commissioners include Abdullahi Bego, Information, Home Affairs and Culture; Sale Samanja, Justice; Mairo Amshi, Agriculture & National Resources; Sani Muhd Idriss, Basic and Secondary Education;. Muhd Munkaila, Higher Education; Musa Mustapha, Finance and Economic Development; Muhd Lawan Gana, Health and Human Resources; Umaru Wakil, Works; among others.