Buried in pomposity

How would you feel if you wanted to talk to someone and the person just snubbed you as if you never existed and made you feel that you were below his or her status in life? This is what happened to Mr. Alaba Tony when he saw a female friend of his and wanted to […]

Buried in pomposity
Buried in pomposity

How would you feel if you wanted to talk to someone and the person just snubbed you as if you never existed and made you feel that you were below his or her status in life? This is what happened to Mr. Alaba Tony when he saw a female friend of his and wanted to say hello. “This life is terrible; because she is sort of elevated now, she feels so full of herself, but then she should remember that everything in this world is not permanent” were his final words.
There are people who think that they are more than every other person and this kind of behaviour is particular amongst women. They feel that they are above the living standards of some certain people and therefore cannot relate to them in any way and then walk with an air of arrogance and vain importance of themselves. They are generally snobbish at the same time. Surprisingly, in this part of the world where we live, there are people who still respect and worship such pompous people because of the little gratification they get from them.
Being pompous is not the way an ideal woman should behave. Being pompous only shows that one is being defensive and is only trying to put up an act to hide their true feelings. By acting that you are better than others, you are  simply showing contempt for them at the same time. It is really not fair to hurt others by trying to protect yourself from being hurt. Pomposity shows that you are insecure and afraid of people finding out the real you and it also suggests that you are immature.
You do not have to be pompous to show that you have value, importance or worth as being full of yourself is just like trying to force respect from others because you feel that you are not getting the needed respect and attention and so you put up an act of pomposity. Being humble is a better way than being pompous and arrogant and so full of yourself.  Humility attracts dignity and respect and can also bring about many benefits in life. Being humble forms a genuine attempt in trying to convey the good points about yourself while pomposity will simply spread the message like wild fire that you are mean and just full of yourself. It is good to feel good about yourself but to come off as a self-centred and stuck-up person can really annoy and push people away from you.
Pomposity is a tremendous negative barrier coupled with power to coarse others. By doing this you not only create misery for others but for yourself also. Being yourself and humble will do great wonders for you. Even if you have flaws you just have to be confident in your strength and humble about whatever weakness you might have. As a great philosopher once said “full of yourself and being puffed up with vanity diminishes the humbleness and elegance of a woman of worth; your character and carriage speaks louder than what you voice out yourself.”
Pomposity does no good, rather, it does a lot of harm than the intended definition of class amongst peers or friends. Take a look around carefully and ask if being pompous has done any good for those who are buried in it.

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