Campaign up to strength citizen “right, access” to healthcare

It will also engage citizens for feedback on services delivered.

Campaign up to strength citizen “right, access” to healthcare

The White Ribbon Alliance Nigeria has begun a three-year campaign to shore up citizens’ “right and access” to improved maternal, newborn and child health services.

Named Citizen Engagement for Accountability and Action for Maternal Newborn and Child Health (CEFAAM), the campaign begins in six local government areas of Niger state.

Once in full force it will advocate for increased resources, accountability, policies, accountability and quality of care.

It will also engage citizens for feedback on services delivered.

The target council areas are Wushishi, Chanchaga, Agwara, Mokwa, Bosso and Lapai.

Quality-of-care is recognised as globally critical to improving the agenda for reproductive, maternal, child and adolescent health services.

It is also essential for accelerating progress toward achieving universal health coverage and the sustainable development goals, says WRA Nigeria.

“Hence, one of the objective of CEFAAM Campaign is the domestication and implementation of Quality of Care Strategy and framework in Niger Sate and 6 target LGAs,” said Tonte Ibraye, coordinator of WRA Nigeria.

Nigeria is among 10 countries to be part of the “Network to Improve Quality of Care for Mothers, Newborns and Children” led by the World Health Organization.

Niger state, its ministry of health and Primary Healthcare Development Agency have adapted the national “Quality of Care Strategy “to local context to meet needs.

A 2018 campaign “What Women Want” with regards to priority reproductive health need polled more than 7,000 women and girls.

It found the Number 2 demand for nearly one in five women and girls was “respectful and dignified care”

The strategy supports design and implementation of intervention to promote quality in how services related to reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health.