Can Musa Bello the FCT minister deliver?

Mohammed Musa Bello, the 16th  minister of the Federal Capital Territory by “built” (lean and of average height), and by nature ( quiet and unassuming),in the estimation of some people, ought not to have been named the minister of the federal capital territory, that Nigerians have  turned into a nightmare. A well planned city where […]

Can Musa Bello the FCT minister deliver?
Can Musa Bello the FCT minister deliver?

Mohammed Musa Bello, the 16th  minister of the Federal Capital Territory by “built” (lean and of average height), and by nature ( quiet and unassuming),in the estimation of some people, ought not to have been named the minister of the federal capital territory, that Nigerians have  turned into a nightmare. A well planned city where everything that was supposed to work, does not work – it is chaotic, squalid, traffic gridlocks  is the order of the day, open sewers, everything Lagos was, that the founding fathers didn’t want. Having reduced Abuja to a jungle, the average Nigerian believes that only an “eccentric” man, can effectively run the FCT. And this is the problem some people have with the minister’s appointment. They want to judge him by that “eccentric”   standard – demolition of houses, tough talk, etc. But at the end of his tenure, Bello, like the military boys always say “would have cleared their doubts”, and without becoming rude and insulting.
Many have questioned his appointment against this background –  that he is a gentleman. That Bello ought to have been sent to culture ministry – which by their estimation is not a jungle. It is a “wahalaless place”.  But the big question is, has President Buhari saddled Bello with a job far beyond his capacity? A man who in several respects shares certain attributes beyond names with him? The answer is an emphatic NO. Suffice it to say that Bello has what it takes to run the FCT. The difference will be a matter of style. Coming from a very disciplined home, you won’t hear him insult or rain abuses at anyone.
In appointing him, the president wanted someone, who is not only incorruptible, but is fair and just. And who can make sense of the jungle that is Abuja and put it on a path of irreversible law and order.
What reportedly captured the president’s attention  of his potential , was the effective and quiet manner   Bello as chairman of the  National Hajj Commission brought order to the annual hajj exercise ,which before   coming on board was chaotic and a source of huge embarrassment to Nigeria. Providing accommodation, licensing of airlines, transportation and other services during annual hajj were made to look so simple by his board. It became so refreshingly sweet not to read or hear about delays in airlift, or missing luggage. Bello must have a knack  for bringing order to bear on chaos.
Bello who until his appointment was the managing director of Bajabure Industrial Complex Yola, is a graduate of Accounting from the famous Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. He also attended the famous Barewa College,Zaria with the likes of Governor Nasir el- Rufai of Governor of Kaduna State. He worked with the now defunct Icon Merchant Bank.And was at a time a director of Habib Bank.
What Bello is bringing to the FCT is grace, compassion, team player,a wealth of experience that traverses the public and private sectors. For instance, those who were scandalized when he announced that some policies of the former minister, Senator Bala Mohammed would be continued should expect more. He won’t say or do “politically correct” things just to make people happy or generate headlines for the media. Expect him to say or do what in good conscience he believes is right. He won’t join in demonizing the former minister as the worst minister of the FCT without facts. Only a gentleman will be that graceful to acknowledge that not everything Bala Mohammed did was bad.
The initial signs are good. He inspires confidence by making it clear that public service is about efficient and honest delivery. The key officials of the ministry are getting the message, that they have no choice, but to deliver. During a recent visit to one of the many refuse heaps in the FCT, the minister asked for a shovel. Some of his aides thought it was business as usual. He dug and dug until he proved to them that the refuse heap was not a week or two old refuse, but something that had been left unattended to for at least six months. The message was clearly understood.
As Bello settles down, expect the security of life and property to receive attention, not because Abuja is seat of power, but because that is the purpose of government. And coming from Adamawa State, which has experienced its own fair share of the insurgency, he sure knows firsthand the effects of insecurity – especially the pains and its effect on business. The other area that will surely receive his attention is education. He recently ordered that schools in the FCT be fenced. Also paramount on his mind are job creation and security. Then the supply of potable water to all.  Not just Asokoro, but the general cleanliness of Abuja, completion of ongoing projects, provision of low income houses will also get the needed attention. Issues like the Wuye market crisis between the 2002 allot tees and 2006 group will be speedily resolved, especially as the high court and the court of appeal have delivered judgments on the rift.
Though the minister is taking over at a very critical time of economic challenges, he is expected to deliver considering his efforts in blocking leakages and ensuring that projects are appropriately priced. And of course there are projects that do not need money – bad driving and parking,indiscriminate disposal of refuse etc – what they need is a change of attitude.
Will the people of Abuja contribute their quota in the task ahead of making the FCT a dream place? Bello has said it severally that he can’t do it alone. He will provide leadership. Peck of the office is not an attraction to him. As chairman of the National Hajj Commission, when the then president Yar’adua who appointed him died, he wasted no time resigning, but President Goodluck rejected that, because of the good job he was doing. His very high standard of ethics would surely be intact, when he leaves the FCT. Like the Hausas will say ga fili ga mai doki – meaning Mohammed here is the field (fili), and the horse ( doki).Abuja is all yours to turn around.
Ado is a Kaduna-based public analyst.