Can you love someone you just met?

You have just met someone and connected quickly, as if you are soul mates. You click, and then somehow you don’t understand it. Love at first sight’ is a common expression. Some people have said that they develop an instant and ultimately long-lasting romantic attraction for a stranger after seeing them for the first time. […]

Can you love someone you just met?

You have just met someone and connected quickly, as if you are soul mates. You click, and then somehow you don’t understand it.

Love at first sight’ is a common expression. Some people have said that they develop an instant and ultimately long-lasting romantic attraction for a stranger after seeing them for the first time.

While some people believe this is possible, others doubt such. With this in mind, LifeXtra sought to know whether people can love someone they have just met.

Jonathan Edor, a Jos-based engineer, does not believe in the ‘Love at first sight’ phrase. He opines that before falling in love with anyone, he would need to know the person first before he can decide whether to love the person or not.

Buttressing his point, he added “Loving someone has to do with knowing the person. So, if you don’t know someone very well; it will be hard to truly love the person. Love at first sight doesn’t work like that; at least not in this part of the country, hence I don’t believe in love at first sight.”

“I can fall in love like that. I only need some minutes or hours to study the person; to determine if she will make a good partner,” Emmanuel Odeh told LifeXtra.

“However, what may work for me may not work for others. I don’t believe in long term relationships like getting to know someone for too long. Once I fall in love with the person, then we can start getting to know each other better,” he concluded.

Janet John responded with an emphatic NO. “I don’t think it’s possible to love someone the first time you are seeing them because to me, love is way deeper than that.”

“Yes, it’s possible to be attracted to a person the first time you see them but it’s not enough to trust that person well enough to share your hopes, dreams and fears.”

Defining what true love is, John added “My definition of true love is being able to know someone as much as they know you; it is something that is constantly expressed in thoughts and words.”

The article ‘Feeling a Connection with Someone You’ve Just Met’ states “It’s a rare occurrence to connect with someone instantly. Someone who makes you question your long-held convictions and years of hatred and insecurities with one piercing gaze.”

“Feeling a connection with someone you’ve just met is once in a lifetime event, but it’s not a farce. It happens to every one of us and leaves us baffled and stunned.”

The article further stated “The silence is laden with affection. It isn’t agitating or forced; it’s spontaneous and reassuring. When you have an authentic connection with someone, you don’t need to contrive conversations or fill the verbal void with words.”